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Basic Learning Skills


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The first thing to learn in the pedal hop (some people may call it something different) if you dont know what this is it is a hop forward on the back wheel, first you have to lift the front wheel, give a sharp, hard kick on the pedal and jump and bring the bike with you, pulling up hard on the handlebars, then lock your rear brake in to land. Do this in a fluid motion.

Sorry if you can already do this :lol:

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As silly as this may sound it has worked me teaching a few people as said above to pedal hop as silly as it sounds thrust your hips forward almost like your humping your bars were ever your bars are because thats were you will be personaly comftable on the rear wheel so dont trust your self vertical or horisontal is that makes scene thro ur self into were your bars are and relese the back brake at the same time then when your in the air instantly lock up the brake again. once you have mastered pedal hops use them to get up and down curbs and eventully biger and bigger stuff then slowly you will start adding more technical stuff in such as 180s and pivots so on.

hope this helps (Y):D

Jack (Y)

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As silly as this may sound it has worked me teaching a few people as said above to pedal hop as silly as it sounds thrust your hips forward almost like your humping your bars were ever your bars are because thats were you will be personaly comftable on the rear wheel so dont trust your self vertical or horisontal is that makes scene thro ur self into were your bars are and relese the back brake at the same time then when your in the air instantly lock up the brake again. once you have mastered pedal hops use them to get up and down curbs and eventully biger and bigger stuff then slowly you will start adding more technical stuff in such as 180s and pivots so on.

hope this helps (Y):D

Jack (Y)

Also what we like to call shagging your stem >_<

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