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What Should I Get?


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how do? im new to this forum and also trials, ive spent a lot of time riding bikes in the past and i would like to take trials a bit more seriously, i am looking in to getting a mod bike, i would like to know what i should get? i am willing to spend around £400, the only thing is im 6'4" and pretty heavy am i being stupid going for a mod or should i go stock? any help will be much appreciated :rolleyes:

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Hey there,

if you get a mod you should get a longish one, i suppose going for a 26" wouldn't be a bad idea, but its just up 2 you ain't it.

HM just had a look on tart and see this http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=2147 , i don't no anything about that so look into it.

but if i was you and was going for a 26" i would spend £100 more and go for this http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=157

but its up to you.

"hope i helped" >_<


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Hey mate and welcome to the forum ;)

Personally i wouldn't know about what frame is ideal for you , i mean the tpros are great for starting on and for the riders at a intermediate level, but like you say your 6'4" and tpros might be a bit small for you..

Anyway hope i have somewhat helped :P

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onza t-pro's are great starting bikes and i think would be okay for you but i am only 6ft and when i got mine in august last year the standars bars and stem gave really bad back problems and caused me not been able to ride for a week or so. So what i did was purchased a set of zoo riser bars and a try-all stem(31.8) and my back has been fine ever since, but because you are so tall it could to the same thing to you but maybe worse so therefore i would probably reccommend you getting a stock bike. i think a onza t-rex or a onza t-raptor would be a great stock bike to start on, but as you said you need to try out a few different bikes and see what you like best.

hope i have helped you.

cheers lou.

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onza t-pro's are great starting bikes and i think would be okay for you but i am only 6ft and when i got mine in august last year the standars bars and stem gave really bad back problems and caused me not been able to ride for a week or so. So what i did was purchased a set of zoo riser bars and a try-all stem(31.8) and my back has been fine ever since, but because you are so tall it could to the same thing to you but maybe worse so therefore i would probably reccommend you getting a stock bike. i think a onza t-rex or a onza t-raptor would be a great stock bike to start on, but as you said you need to try out a few different bikes and see what you like best.

hope i have helped you.

cheers lou.

yeah cheers pal helped a lot there

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Hello there, as everyone else has said i think that a mod maybe a little too small for you being so tall. If your looking for an entry level stock bike then the t-rex (as someone has already mentioned) is a pretty good choice, or you could look at the woodstock. My advice to you would be to phone up tartybikes and speak to adam or dave, they will probably be able to give better advice than me and they should help you get sorted out. :P cheers

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Hello there, as everyone else has said i think that a mod maybe a little too small for you being so tall. If your looking for an entry level stock bike then the t-rex (as someone has already mentioned) is a pretty good choice, or you could look at the woodstock. My advice to you would be to phone up tartybikes and speak to adam or dave, they will probably be able to give better advice than me and they should help you get sorted out. :P cheers

yeah cheers pal, been out and tried some now, think its going to be a t-rex

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you should go look on ebay. or on the ads on here. i found a t lite in good condition with some extra parts for £250 posted. the frame costs more than that alone so i consider it a good buy. make sure you know what condition its in. theres a t pro on it at the mo going for 250 in mint condition.


check it out. there good bikes. hope i helped

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