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Posts posted by ZHI-sam

  1. Talk to her, it might have some negative effects at first but if she loves you as much as she said she does she'll listen and probably take it in, i'm guessing its the attitude change more than the clothing/ music thats bothering you?

    the clothes and music i dont mind so much, she can listen to what she likes as long as i dont have to and the clothes, all she has is that jacket and its not like she weards trackies or summin.

    it is the personality and attitude, she just shouts stuff at random people and is turning into a chav.

    i know i need to talk to her but im shit with confruntation, i always think afterwards 'balls should have said this!'

  2. alright guys, i could use some advice :/ best to start from the top so here goes...

    my girlfriends last BF was a twat, controled what she wore, did, watched on the tv, everything. she wasnt alowed to watch friends :/ they split up about 3 months before i got with her and weve been together 2 months now.

    1st it was great, loved spending time with her, was always kissing her ect. very lovey when we 1st got together.

    now though shes being all weird, she asked me to go see her earlier but wanst realy paying much atention to me being there, wasnt talking to me much but was talking to her mate quite a bit. it was like she wanted me to be there but not be with her if you know what i mean. shes being very distant and has been for the last 2 weeks or more.

    also shes changed completely, her personality is completely different to how it was before, she likes chav music now and used to like rock and metal when i 1st met her, she wears a mkenzie jacket ect. if im honest i dont like how shes changing cuz i find myself not likeing it more and more all the time and i think it might end upo me not liking her soon enough.

    i know i should talk to her but what do i say, her last BF was controling so if i try to make her stop she wont after putting up with it for over a year. i dont wanna cause an argument but i dont want us to split up cuz i do love her but if i dont i will end up not loving her, the person i wanna be with seems to be disapearing day by day :/

    please give me some GOOD advice, no stupid answers please cuz im realy confused by it all, i cant stop thinking about us and what i should do

  3. Right so someone is using my recovered account on his xbox...and it's f**king with my stats. I've changed my hotmail password etc, would that stop him being able to use it?

    recover your tag and change the password and security question (he could use that to change the pass)

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