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Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. No one coming to crankworx?
  2. Hey, We havn't posted a video for a while, so check out our lastest from our trip to the U.S. of A. www.TrialsStars.com The website is also fairly new so check it out too! Any one from the UK coming to Crankworx? Joe? Or from else where? Cheers, Jeff
  3. Yea she was.... but to be fair I think she was a bit drunk... most of them were
  4. Hello fellow riders across the pond, We've got some new pictures and a new little video of my new bike and I. Enjoy: TrialsStars.com Happy Riding, Jeff
  5. Hellooooo Everyone, A New WheresTheSeat Episode is out. This is number five. The video is film in Vancouver Canada, and Seattle USA. Some fun urban and some semi-natural at a cool public rock climbing place. I hope you enjoy it: Cheers Jeff
  6. We live just outside vancouver... in Port Moody Home of a lot of good riders... dylan korba, ryan leech... etc etc... it a good place to rip it up... but unfortunately thats no where near new york state... but there good riders out there too... you should talk to people on observedtrials.net. Cheers Jeff
  7. hey Here is a new video of a demo Steve and I did. enjoy, Jeff TrialsStars.com
  8. the first song is "Ming Tran" by GOB i believe Cheers Jeff
  9. Trials Stars.com Cheers Jeff
  10. wow, i didn't think it would work this well... sorry about the trick but 10 posts in like 10mins more than any other video would have got in like a week. you UK guys should check out more of the canadian stuff like down there some where is (dangerous) Daves vid. it's a good one to check out. anyways cheers Jeff. yea and Tim lets goo riding !! wooo
  11. Edit: Old subject title: New TRA and Neil T Video!... if you didn't understand what went down here haha, not that I've got your attention. Check out the new Trials Stars Vid featuring Jeff Anderson ( the canadian TRA) and (sexy as Neil) Steve Dickin, enjoy! TrialsStars.com That would be a sweet video though. haha have a gap contest... oh and TRA I liked that balance beam you did in your video... you should do more of that cheers, Jeff
  12. vid of a sweet competition.... TrialsStars.com Cheers Jeff
  13. Check this Awesome one out! Trials Stars.com
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