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The Duck

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Posts posted by The Duck

  1. Just sused it.

    The more the back wheel is lifted up, the steeper the head-angle and the lower the BB rise.

    The BB rise is measured as the distance up (or down) from the straight line wheelbase. If the wheel is moved up in the dropouts, the BB rise will decrease, but the head-angle, as expected will get steeper.

  2. re-install?

    quickest and easiest option?

    also found this reply on the ol' www.

    Right click in your desktop and select Properties>>Settings.

    If you colour quality is set to 16 bit, try changing it to 32 bit

    Tried re-installing.

    That 16-32 bit business works, makes the computer lag savagely though...

    Thanks for the help though :)

  3. Onza - my faith in you as a company has been restored. I'd actually quite like on of those. Considering about a year ago I used to slate onza at every possible turn, you've done very very well. I like that your stuff is new and bold, light, well made and english (if only in name).

    Only thing I'm not a massive fan of is the paint jobs, but I have funny taste.

    Next, I'd like to see a lower rise stem, and higher rise bars combo. High rise bars (Try-All Rage, Trialtech and Monty 221s) have become weapon of choice for about 70% of riders I'd say, its a good way to go.

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