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Posts posted by joe.powell

  1. I have found that they are just pointless, if they were so good, stock bikes would have them more. You just need a bit of skill to stay on the back wheel. I have found that they always weigh the frame down, rendering a drilled rim, pointless. :rolleyes:

  2. Hi, I have only just learnt to bunny hop , so i feel your pain.. I found that just ride along at slow speed, and try to flick the back wheel up in the air, by just throwing your weight forwards, but don't jump, which is a problem I had. Then when you can do that motion, add in, the lift of the front wheel and the back should follow. But just stick with it, I took quite a few falls before i could do it.


  3. The only time I use the seat while riding is if I'm rolling down a long hill or just to sit on and take a break from riding for a few mins.

    I don't think seats are used during actual trials riding but they make the bike look more 'normal'.

    A proper seat with a seat post that you could adjust could alow you to ride the bike for a longer distance (eg. to your riding spot) more easily, but these seem quite rare on modern trials bikes.


    (Y) Thanks for that , i do get confused about the bikes, there are so many to choose from, and some are very expensive. Also being so tall i find it hard to pedal when sat down so a saddle would just be extra weight for me, oh which i don't want, any more advice for me to look out for when looking at bikes?

    Joe B)

  4. I ride an older T-Rex which I really like at the moment. I would say mine is slightly heavy but not too heavy and reasonably strong.

    I think the new T-Rex has an optional mini seat - maybe not quite what you want, I would prefer a normal seat. I think the new T-Rex looks pritty good but I've never ridden one.

    Hope you find the right bike for you (Y)

    Thanks, yeah I have just seen a T-Rex on ebay with the mini seat, but now i am wondering, weather i would need it, what advantage is there to having a seat?

  5. Your pretty tall, so i would reccomend a stock. For around £500 you can pick up a

    new onza T-Rex which is a great bike and will last you from complete novice to expert rider. (Y)

    Otherwise you could get a secondhand bike, just look around and see what you like.

    I just wondered how heavy is the Onza T-Rex, because i rode a Onza Woodstock Spec 2, and it was very light, which i liked, is the T-Rex similar?

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