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Posts posted by M-i-t-c-h

  1. i understand your anger, if its broke that many times in 5 hours, (as long as you wernt honking it!) then it prob wasnt asc'ed correctly.

    but on the flip side, you should have asc'ed it before you gave it a ride and you prob wouldnt have had that many problem

    i take your point, but personally i dont trust anyone else to do my labour work, because i dont know the quality of it! (unless its tarty)

    everyone should build there own bikes i say!

    still feels good to get it off your chest right?

  2. The British economy has been on the rise for the past 10 years and its so strong right now, there would be no point in going to the euro. Every country that's adopted the euro has had their economy suffer.

    So has the world economy

    the european economy is however far more stable, with less fluctuations, that we have now.

    2.8% inflation atm i believe, says it all.

    Has anyone considered the problem with free movement of Labour, or lack of it?

    Its a very good point you make, however people from within the eu can do that now!

    there would be minimal impact on our labour force, infact you could argue it back, footloose industries that ar in this county may move to spain or south france but still operate in the uk! (infact this is a positive thing, who wouldnt wan2 live in the spanish sun lol)

    Interesting thread, whoever set you your ethics work is a good teacher! lol

  3. There a several good things about the euro:

    1) Increase trade with european country's, by avoiding exchange rates, this should in theory bring prices down from the eu trading bloc. inturn increasing "economies of scale" from other trading blocs(meaning be able to by stuff cheaper)

    2) will eliminate the need for "hedging" to the eu (agreeing exchange rates)

    3) a stable interest rate with the rest of Europe, this will mean increased investment (currency and capital) between european country's, increase wealth in the uk.


    1) We ill have to follow interest rates set by the EU, instead of just to the UK (this may look like a good thing at the moment) but it financially restricts the country in forms of banking and finance, this inturn could decreased consumer spending if interest rates rise.

    2) And of course the loss of the "Presitgious" £.

    At the end of the day everyone would financially benefit form the euro, the only people that wouldn't are the government as they would lose a certain amount of Fiscal control.


    But also theres a chance that to meet the criterea of joining the euro, the UK's economy could fall and we could end up living like eskimo's but warmer or something to that effect. so no no to euro

    lol where did you hear that? the SUN?

  4. Great riding guys, in all the photos someone somewhere was smiling, which is what we like to see.

    If im honest......You can tell the photographer hasn't done much sports photography, but i guess everyone has to start somewhere

    I just hope you didn't pay them much :-lol

  5. Quote ash when looking at the section: "its cool its a simple wedge"

    Mitch: "i duno mate, thats pritty high to surge upto"

    LoL is all i have to say.

    How did you do the rest of the day man?

    I think that was one of the best hampshires iv been to, was really good fun, and the weather was perfect!

  6. Fred! you tank!

    Saun! your section was good but i feel your riding has got a bit camp recently! *jokes*

    Both on top form!

    Nice to see some diffrent forms of riding from NBR as long as it has wheels, we will watch it! or porn, doesnt have wheels but still equally as enjoyable.

    Dont take anything thats been said on this tread personally andy! great work (Y) that dude at the start was from lancaster, hes prob never even seen anythig thats not made of rock ;) *jokes*

  7. Its true about the 19in wheel and the seat tube,

    But no bike, kids, adult, ridden on the road or on pavement can be ridden without a rear reflector thats in clear view.

    so even if you blow them away with your knowlege of the cycling laws, if the poilce want to fine you their more than likely to get you for that!

    duno about you but i certainly dont have a rear reflector on my mod lol

  8. I used rear disc for a few months at the begining of last year, went back to magura and now im back on disc again, i just couldnt stay away and i dont think i will ever go back to magura, the only reason why i would is the limited choice of frames, but manufactures i think will soon catch on to the fact that disc is better and a wider range of frames will come out (i hope) *hint hint deng!*

    Think logically 26" wheel being stopped by pads, or a 6-8" disc being stopped, It might not seem much as trials is a slow sport (relatively speaking) however the difference in diameter makes a big difference.

    Valid point, but at contact point size is the same if not more on a disc pad. you will get more power from a larger radios, but you will stop quicker with a disc because the pistons and the contact area is smaller and disribted evenly over the whole surface of the pad. unlike a magura. Its like when someone with a high heal treads on soft ground, there guna make a larger hole than if an elephant treads on the same bit. If tiny discs are good enough for motorbikes, then why not us lol.

    I agree They feel a bit wierd at the begining, maguras are either on or off, with the disc theres loads more modulation. Keep going you will get used to it and your riding will become smoother.

    p.s For the record I ride alot of rocks and I sidehop left and i have never had to change my rotor. lol

    p.p.s How long have you been using it? they take a good 3-4 weeks to bed in fully

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