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Posts posted by M-i-t-c-h

  1. correct me if i'm wrong (i usually am ^_^ ) Danny Butler uses carbon fibre forks that are two bits of hollow carbon tubing with a aluminum crown and two caps on the bottom with drop outs.

    I think there originally coust prototypes that he still uses. if you really really really wanted a pair you could prob get them made, thy wouldn't be hard to make, but you may have to sell a kidney to afford them. personally.... you only need one kidney, and the forks do look amazing plus would be so so so light, probably worth it.

    The forks on the link below your topic, aren't they just Monty Ti forks with a 06 frame sticker up the side lol :D


    Sorry i forgot to add... i don't think there are many forks with holes up the side, you could drill them yourself, but the holes would seriously affect the strength of the fork.

    If you do drill some, make sure the aluminium otherwise they will rust inside :)

  2. We saw pictures of this frame early in the year, now its on the koxx.fr website, but there is still no info about it.

    Does anybody have any idea of a release date? + plus does it still have that crazy "floating disc" idea that koxx were talking about :S in the pictures it doesn't look like it does. (N)



  3. Move your hips then your sholuders in the opposite direction so say you want to go clockwise hop shifting your hip left then your shoulers right slighly shorty afterwards. (this will help you keep your balance) just do small turns to start with and see how you go.

    hope this helps.


    p.s moving the front wheel side to side helps, but you may find you an end up concentrating on that to much and your hopes will be really exagerated and gay, when you move your shoulders to keep your balance the wheel kinda moves anyway so you still get the style points :P

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