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Matt B

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Everything posted by Matt B

  1. i dunno its a diffrent style of riding
  2. Hi, just wondering if you guy's could tell me where to download a 24" trials video. My mate has some and i love the way pro's make it look effortless Thanks in advance Mat
  3. Just looking at the pictures agaain the chain stayes look really short, Does this make for a nice fell on the back wheel????? Mat
  4. I nave been running my Julie for about 3 months now and it is great The only thing i have to do is lighty scrup the pads evry now and then, beacuse the dust of the pads affects performance I have had no problems as yet so sounds like it may just be yours. Regards Mat
  5. I got some more info on that leaver blade that felt spongey, it turns out it broke eventually Is this a commen thing for and RB leaver are they reliable???? Mat
  6. Errrm i think this is classed as for sale/wanted but as there is non in non-members chat what the hell. Black mumbas look really nice i have to agree with you but to my knowlage you cant by them anywhere But i am sure with a little persistance you could pick up a second hand 1 for the right price good luck Mat
  7. You meen just bying a leaver blade or an RB leaver or just between standerd magura leaver and RB leaver?? RB leavers look nice but to me feel a bit plasticy if you get me. It could have been the set up it was on but it dissapointed me Have yet to try the new leaver blades for magura leavers are they any good??? Regards Mat
  8. The t-bird is a lot lower spec bike but it will go within your budget, i started out with one and it was a really nice bike but depends on how much you want the t-mag, which is a nice bike but i dought you will get it . From expirance you cant go wrong beginning on a t-bird hope i was some help Mat
  9. If you have the money iolo bikes are very nice and they have a SEAT!! but chepo bmx if not Mat
  10. Yea nice bike dunno if you will get it for 175 but defenatly have a go, like the other guy said, dont bid until the last 30 seconds if you have broadband i have done it in the last 10 but non the less good luck Mat
  11. I think it is less hassle to just by a second had bmx my friend Mat
  12. Look forward to it anytime mate Mat
  13. My mate has just brought a new kmc and has a few links spare i think his name is JOEFISH or Graffics man Try him if you cant find any.
  14. Hiya my name mat, i usually ride Sherwsbury and Telford. Riding round where i live is pritty good just short train to either and theres a good day of riding in store. I always ride with my mates, its more fun and you get to have a rite laghf. If you need somewhere to ride just go to your local train station and go to the nearest town (if you dont liv in one) once youv've rode the same place over and over it gets dull. Try and get some of your other friends intrested to man There is good places you probly just havn't found them yet
  15. My mate says you can get one like the zoot but i have looked round and can't find one so i spoze you cant You could try ringing around, see what tartybikes say or selectbikes or somthing? Mat
  16. i think your gear ratio is somethink that vairies between diffrent people. You have to find one that suites you. But most people run 18:12 on a mod but this is quite a hard kinking ratio to me i run 22:16
  17. Try it on a trampoline next mate trust me, a hole lot of fun And you dont have to worrie about the repair bill for the bouncy castle Mat
  18. You cant go wrong with a second hand t-pro there really nice to ride and you can pick a second hand one up for nothink now. Also a t-pro would last you Once you get better you can upgrade, i started off with a t-bird but soon brought a new t-pro frame off ebay for 80 workes a treat trust me t-pro Mat
  19. Not so keen on the built-in booster its just another strait sliver zoo!, was hoping for somthink a bit wacky Mat
  20. For me it would have to be the TPA adjuster on a magura (05-06), mine just kept on stripping and locking. Eventually i made one out of alluminum works a treat:) But i think magura need to think of a better altunative to this pice or plastic. To save people from looseing the temper with them Does the same thing happen on anyone elses or is it just mine? Thanks in advance Mat
  21. If you have tried using a raised surface e.g. (bench). Try rolling forward and doing a endo use the momentum of the back whell coming down to pull back and rock up onto the back wheel. This is how i learned to back hop and eventually as your balance gets better you will pick up forward hops naturally. Mat
  22. to be honest i dont like them , they dont look anythink special and to be honest can you fell the diffrence between 565g and 579g. I think the widly used middleburn and isis coupling is unbeatable at the moment. if you think i am wrong with this please tell me Mat
  23. Hey, i also have that Rhyn Leech dvd but i think the best way to learn and practise is by getting some mates intrested or find some local people who do trials and ride!!!. I didnt have a clew like most people when the start, but getting out and riding with friends is in my experance the best way of learning. You can keep and watching the video over and over which i spoze will help you in a way but spend some real time on you bike and i am sure you will progress well Mat
  24. The word Chav is mis-used so much. Why do people have such a big problem with someone that wears tracksuits? To be honest, there must be an equal mix of 'Chavs and Emo/scene' that cause trouble. I don't see why people dig so much at 'chavs'. Ok, fair enough, there are a lot of chavs that do cause trouble. I'm not a 'chav', or an 'Emo', I'm just a bit tired of people calling someone that wears tracksuit a chav. Is it just me that finds it's mis-used?
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