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Papa Manual

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Posts posted by Papa Manual

  1. I rode with a 40-odd year old guy when I was 16 in Bristol. He was the same, couldn't wheelie or anything. I was out and about last year (again in Bris) and he rode past. I shouted hi, he stopped and we had a bit of a mess about for an hour or so. He was no Chris Akrigg, but could certainly ride (a fair bit better than me I have to say!). I'd stick at it!

  2. Who does he think he is? Tesco's statisticians arn't sitting there thinking.. oh we don't like disabled people they're all f**king retards lets charge them more. No insurance companys will offer you different quotes and thats why its best looking arround, its not a case of "not liking disabled people" its a case of speciallity and risk assesment

    Just to be a pedant, I would put money on the fact that Tesco don't employ statisticians. I'm guessing it's outsourced, just plain bought or PIKed.

  3. Far too many people sit there and moan about driving yet never do ANYTHING about it. Driving IS expensive and they moan like they have a right to drive cheaply, yet they obviously don't care enough to do anything about it and stop driving.

    Agreed. Having not driven for over 3 years (a slight legal indiscretion), I'd never bother now. The fact that the price of fuel in Guernsey was 56p a litre when I came off the roads, now being 96p has a little to do with it.

  4. Ahhh yes, indeed it's true. I've been in trouble a few times when drinking. I've never been in trouble when i've been sober or stoned.

    Another thing, all this "research" and these "scientific reports" are often biased. I think most government drug research always blows the true dangers well out of proportion. Green is only noticably detremental to your physical health if you do it to excess. If you strike a reasonable balance there's nothing wrong with it.

    A spliff a day keeps the doctor away and if you're worried about lung damage, get a vapouriser, they almost completely eliminate any damage being done to your lungs. You can make them out of lightbulbs if you're a cheap-ass.

    P.S. Quality Avatar Mr Flower - although I'm sure that tree trunk would f**k your lungs up :P .

  5. Ditto...

    I say, make the drink cheaper... i think in the long run, it will make people spend less when they are out...

    Cause they will still think they can spend £70 on a nights out, but then the find themselves in hospital or in a river or summit, then they never try that again... :P

    Yeah, but do you REALLY need to have that ice cold beer?

    why not an ice cold shandy? same taste near enough...

    Its like, scotland, banned smoking... and it hasnt exploded into a massive roit across the country... because, it proves, you dont NEED to have that next fag...

    What the f**k am i saying....?

    I drink, not very often though, dont up the age... please haha

    Not too fussed of prices really, i never drink till im f**ked anyways... **LIE LIE LIE**

    You changed the end of that post pretty quickly ;).

    I was about to rant on about how getting shit faced and waking up in hospital/cells/trouble doesn't really make a difference for a lot of people...believe me. It just becomes more of a routine when they come to the conclusion that it's as bad as it can get.

  6. Been going through a bit of a lazy patch. A lot's happened since when i rode, mostly bad, but I'm building a trials bike at the mo and have been riding my XC bike loads the last 2 or 3 months (minus any form of lycra or protein bars).

    Tried calling you the other day Nic; silly northerner. Guess I called you old number or your phone was off or something (N) .

  7. I don't know. I remember (and I bet you do too Danny!) how unco-operative that host was. I WAS planning on setting it up again, as soon as I had a video camera. I'll send an e-mail and see if any of the old stuff is still there.

    I have loads of old backed up stuff though, including several thousand image uploader files from about 2 years ago (N).


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