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Papa Manual

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Posts posted by Papa Manual

  1. Yes, i was goin to ring Joel, but he wouldn't know, then I was going to ring Jon, but he wouldn't know, then I was going to ring Steve, but he all ready thinks I'm odd enough, so i rang you.

    You still don't sound Welsh, and Faye wanted me to say "look out of your window"

    I knew, dickcheese (Y).

    However, had you called me at 12 today, i wouldn't have been particulaly articulate as I didn't get up till 5.

  2. The fact still remains that 70% are opposed to the BNP, but their vote is split between Labour, Lib Dem, Conservative and others.

    That's what happened when the Nazi's came to power in Germany :turned:.

  3. We watch these videos at school about racism, and how wrong it is (and it is!) then that puts ideas into peoples heads. Then then go out and racialy abuse poeple, just to show how 'hard' they are in front of there friends. If these videos, and talks etc wont shown in the first place people wouldnt know it was wrong, it would even cross there mind!

    This is the reason why i dont thinks its a good idea to desscus it, desscusions like these just make people more aware that black people are differnt from white people.

    Racism was just as bad if not worse before people were challenged about their racist views. Before there was education about racism and why it's wrong people attributed ethnic minorities to events or actions which affected the ethnic majority negativly.

    For example, in the case of the Jews; in Germany, people were envious of the Jews because of their financial standing and success amongst other contributing factors. Education allows people to see why they were successful: due to hard work. In the 1930's the economic climate in Germany wasn't in such a state that the government would help people, they were on the edge of recession. This proves that they actually had to work their bollocks off.

    These days, the majority of racists are racist just to be racist. They are just insecure about themselves and scared of people who aren't the same colour as them because they aren't particularly successful themselves.

    The majority of hard working, successful Englishmen aren't racist, although there are numerous exceptions. Notice how the majority of racisms are unemployed, lazy or unwilling to sort their own lives out to ensure themselves a better life. They're too busy bitching about how all the non-white Brits or immigrants have all the jobs they should have. Bullshit. We live in a competitive society. You have to work for what you want. It's just an excuse. It's just people who've never had that chance deserve a little head start.

    People moan and bitch about how people come from across the world and settle in Britain and are then given a council house or money to set them up. People say "I never got this, why should they?". Well, any "true Englishman" should already have qualifications if they stayed in school long enough, so that gives them an advantage for a start. Also, immigrants aren't going to have any property or possessions to secure a loan on, so they aren't going to get a starting kick into the job-market, and where the hell are they supposed to live? Many Brits also have people they can go to, people who can support them, friends, family etc. They've grown up in this country so they're going to be able to navigate the support and benefit systems of the UK a lot easier than someone who’s just moved here can.

  4. I havent read the post fully, i think descussing racism, makes it worse.

    So people are supposed to just keep quiet about it and let it happen? Racism is a problem. Problems need discussing to be got rid of. If people aren't educated as to the stupidity and narrow-mindedness of racism, it'll just keep happening.

    It'll probably never go 100% away, but the fewer racists the better. They're just people who can't accept other for who they are.

    How would you feel if you were in a supposed racial minority and people weren't prepared to even face something which directly and negativly affected you?

  5. Got my crochet needle stuck in my scalp the other night. They're for doing dreadlocks. I jumped on one I'd cleverly placed on my bed. Had to literally pull as hard as I could to get it out and a bit of fleshy/bloody stuff got caught on the hook on the end. Magic. Squelched as well.


  6. Or is that set to change now the nazi's of trials have got Van S..?

    That made me laugh <_<. Maybe it shouldn't have, but it did (Y) . Now riding for him will be like working 9 till 5 :S.

    I wish people would just wake up and realise what trials is all about and actually turn up to comps etc where the real riders are! Wana see some real trials then look HERE, it's not just me, in fact I rarely get a chance to put myself on the site but this really defines what I think is REAL trials!

    I disagree. Trials should be what you want it to be. It's about having a laugh and if NOT turning up to comps etc is someone's idea of having a laugh, then that's fine with me.

    Personaly I think UK trials is more about having a colour coded bike then riding trials.

    Not always untrue (N) . Some people are like that.

  7. This is the last warning!

    Please do not post unless you are posting a picture of a bike (quoting pictures doesn't count).

    Comments, suggestions etc can be directed through PMing or another topic. This thread fills up with a lot of rubbish where as it's supposed to be just eye candy.

  8. Compression:

    Danny's guide to compression using DIVX and VirtualDUB can be found here.

    Video Format:

    I’ve posted this because of all the people complaining saying "please convert it to mpg as I can't play avi's" Well you can you just need to do what the rest of us have done.......

    Update you windows media player to the latest version here


    The download the kazaa lite codec pack


    And as if by magic all your Avi's and Mpeg's should work fine.

  9. Why the hell aren't there more foam pits in England? That's rediculous, they're not amazingly hard to construct safely, so how come there's only one? I think they're really useful, I'm really surprised.

  10. if its under 40lbs its free

    It depends on the airline. Some people try to charge just for having a bike. If they do that say you want it included in your baggage allowance (if you don't have much else with you).

    You can't say prices and stuff unless you know the airline! The one i use to get to the UK is free, but another operator charges £20 there and £20 back - b*stards.

    Like UrbanPoet says, get to the airport early to avoid trouble. The tyres thing, hmmmmm, well my mate took his bike away last year and the tyres went bang during the flight. Made a loud noise and all, not good. I think its just if you run the pressure quite high. Its best to deflate them.

    You should take as many tools as possible Julian, including things like a spoke-key, a small pump, tubes, allen keys, chain splitter, just general common-sense things. Don't take sharp objects though and make sure all your tools go in your bike-bag/bike-box as when i went to London they took nearly all my tools off me saying they weren't allowed on the plane, including allen-keys!

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