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Everything posted by liam_thornton

  1. Only trials, but i have a Bmx to ride to school on.
  2. It will give you balance in every aspect.
  3. Sorry i don't know but as you have started a topic about songs im going to use it. What is the song in this video >>> Sorry for stealing your topic.
  4. You could get a second hand King but anyway, a Hope probally would be better but they are basically just as good as the Deng ones.
  5. Thats what i've got, does the job for me.
  6. Lol that look funny but i bet it hurt. Seen that many times but it still makes me laugh.
  7. It's just the frame, seatpost, seatclamp, headset and cranks, but he is just stupid not nice, and he is really spoilt. His name is Pizzy, you will probaly hear a lot about him as me and Ben Beckett will be mocking him and talking about him all of the time.
  8. LOL that is funi. I am happy because of that comment, and I might be getting a Planet x Zebidi(not sure how to spell it) for nothing of off a mate.
  9. No can you? Martin Ashton can tailwhip his Ashton.
  10. For the price of the magura one you might aswell get a Onza t-pro and buy maguras for it. And for the v-brake one you might aswell get a Onza t-pro. Onza t-pro >>> http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=2113
  11. Sounds like a good spec, but the picture doesn't work for me. Maybe get a link to the website you got it from.
  12. O yeah, and all of them >>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_w13QHGPzY
  13. I'm looking at it right now.
  14. For £279 you can get so much better things than that. Have a look on tarty >>> http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/category.php?id=36
  15. Are you going to get just the frame, or the whole bike.
  16. No sorry. But making your own sounds quite good though.
  17. Didn't even know that they made those size frames, are you sure the guy that is selling it know's what he is talking about.
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