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Everything posted by Willy-Man

  1. but the ginder at less of a angle shown in the little pic i done flat to the rim and when you stroke the grinder accross the rim make sure you are doing it in a slow motion and have the grinder speed set to maximum Will
  2. well performance wise you are going to have alot better brake what will also work in the wet but the downside of things is that the pads will wear alot quicker especially the echo reds so if you are going to grind your rim make sure you do a realy smooth grind unless you want your pads to last just short of a week. Will
  3. well it dpends on your hight, weight and how fit you are in my opinion.. if you are quite small, at a young age, and dont realy ahve alot of muscle on you its proberly better to start on 20" it proves to be alot easyer to learn the basics on that a 26" bike however if you are quite tall around 15 - 16 and have a bit of meat on you i would suggest a 26" bike although 20 inch is easyer at first it wouldnt be hard when you have those qualitys to be able to manover the bike as a smaller person would on a 20 " bike. Will
  4. well it just depends.. if you are someone who likes to keep there frames in perfect condition and is looking to sell the frame to upgrade or you dont want to wait till the frame dies i would say yeh its a good idea, although like people have said they dont look exactly nice but essencially when you come to get rid of the frame you are going to get alot more money for a frame that is in good condition rarther than something with alot of dents and scratches on it. generally its a personal preferance and depends on your riding styles, ability and care for your bike. Will
  5. Generally the most common gear ratio is 22:18, but sometimes can be a little bit to hard depending on your riding style, some people use 22:19 although if you are in to saveing weight you can have practcally the same ratio as 22:18 in 18:15 which is very slightly easyer, this is becomeing alot more common nower days and seems to becomeing the stander on most good trials bikes. finally i think its 16:12 which is used by people who run a midleburn super pro trials guard, again saveing weight and being able to have a easy enough gear to ride trials. Will
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