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Posts posted by N.Wood

  1. Good evening, when i try to start Word up on the ol' PC, it comes up with an error saying:

    A required .DLL file MS097.DLL was not found

    It says this whether i try to get to it from the main menu or through my saved documents.

    I've just run Ad-Aware and it still does it. I can't remember deleting anything Word-related, and it means i can't do any work...


    Any ideas? I'm in need!


    Woody :(

  2. It's odd that a 2.5 won't fit?

    I'm runing a 2.5 Minion on my Koxx 1065 on an Onza Ronnie rim and it's got loads of room...

    How odd.

    But as long as it's from the Maxxis dual ply range you can't go far wrong.

  3. Those Toaster opedals have a mahoosive body so theres not too much grip - helps jumpers adjust their positions whilst in the air or something.

    Anyway... so they're not very grippy 'cos the pins are so spread out and the pedals are massive.

    So in summary, strong but not very grippy.

  4. I have no idea why i ride trials really... I just do.

    If i lived in a different place then i think i'd be doing downhill or 4X still.

    I agree with what Mark said, you can do it when, where and how you like, and you can be as intense or as lazy about it as you like, you don't have to worry about the rest of the team letting you down or visa versa.

    It's quite a social sport as well, sitting down and talking watching others ride or whatever. Although having said that you can just pop out on your own for a bit and *here comes the cliche bit* forget about all your problems and have a bit of 'alone time'. I often find i'm alot happier and have a clearer mind after going for a ride.

    Also, once i've been out on my bike, doesn't matter how long or how well i rode, it makes me feel happier that i've been out, kinda like a relief that i've been out.

    Dammit, i'm addicted!

    Keeps you fit as well i spose... But thats more of a bonus.

    Happy riding!

  5. Not sure i can make it...

    However, yesterday i was riding the rock breakwater things along the beach between Shoreham and Worthing..Lancing? Along by the Widewater Lagoon.

    That was really good, the rocks there are pretty easy but for a natural novice like myself they were excellent!

    I'm sure Worthing's better though.

  6. I've honestly never measured!

    I'll measure the gap between the 2 pallets sometime this week, thats pretty much as big as i can go.

    I can put my bike in there and it's wider than the widest part of my bike (axle level) but i have no idea what that is!

    EDIT: Measured the pallets, and they're about 2 inches under 8'. Might be able to go a bit bigger though, i'll give it a go at the weekend (N)

  7. oh yes!!!  :)  It lacked hold though, meant rails were much much sketchier. Was still good though, having a brake that worked perfectly no matter what the weather. Despite this i'm still glad to have a magura back


    What size rotor were you using?

    Brett McCollugh (sp?) uses one on the back of his Peyto, and has had special post mounts welded on for super special-ness.

    He doesn't have any other mounts of any sort, and has been running it for a fair while...

    Have a looksee on OTN for some pic's of it (N)

  8. I do AS media studies so i find myself looking at shot timings, lengths and camara angles etc. but i can't say i read into the politics side of things, no.

    EDIT: Politics, not polotics, dammit.

  9. I can't help i'm afraid mate, does it say anything in the manual/on the website?

    You're better off posting this on a Jump/4X/Dh forum as well (if you havn't already thought of that :- )

  10. WTF?

    In my 16 years of living, i've never seen anyone 'leet'. What kind of retards are they? Spelling 'ham' like |-|4/\/\....'cos thats cool, and saves loads of time in the process :(

  11. Hello Max, i was there when you bought your T-Bird off Jake...

    Basically, i'd try and go on a Sunday when theres less people around, less offices are open etc. and there are likely to be some other trials riders around.

    I've been riding London for getting on 2 years, and i've never had a problem with being mugged or whatever.

    The Shell centre (building on the same side as the London Eye, but across the grassy bit) is Probably the safest riding spot in London, there are always plenty of people around and it's pretty out of the way of most things nasty people are likely to visit.

    South Bank (the part where all the Skaters go) can be a bit dodgy (the skaters get annoyed etc.) but thats only if you venture under the cover and get in there way. there should be no need to do this, theres not really alot to ride there.

    The Tate area is also always full of people, and not near any shops or anything so aforementioned nasty people rarely go there.

    Across the river there is St. Pauls, which is also totally safe, (not many nasty people want to go look at cathedrals you see :lol: ) and the only trouble you're likely to get in there is to be moved on by Police.

    Thats pretty much the main spots, you'll learn more as you become more adventurous and ride with more people.

    A note about police: The side that St.Pauls sits is The City of London, the Police there are alot more strict on riding. On the South Bank, i've never even been moved on by Police. If they do confront you, just be apologetic and courteous, and do as they say. It might sound a bit loser-ish, but it's better to be a loser for 3 minutes than be arrseted for criminal damage!

    And finally... as i've said i've never had any problems whatsoever, if you keep to the main, touristy areas then you'll be absolutely fine, it's only when you start to go down dodgy sidestreets in un popular places when problems arise.

    And finally (properly this time)...Have fun, and just have your wits about you, just be aware :huh:

    Have a good time!


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