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Dr Dig

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Posts posted by Dr Dig

  1. Trials_punk youve thought waaaaaay too much about this. I wont lie im a little scared even thought ill probably never meet you. This, in my books, puts you on par with si-man in terms of scary. lol

  2. Steady on. Animal cruelty is nothing in comparison (IMO) when you look at the fact we are actually moral creatures unlike the likes of dogs and cats.


    Moral creatures?

    Who's to say dogs don't think like we do? We cant talk to them so we don't know. I think its realy savage what happened but like you've all said with there ways with guns its inevitable that this sorta thing happens every once in a while. RIP

  3. Its the best, i frekin love it, the feeling when u finaly get up/over/past some obsticle you've been on for ages is really good. Emm i do shinty too and have done since i was 6, im still interested but trials is second to shinty the now because im on the verge of geting into the senior team so...

  4. Yeah its a good mag. Have both of them realy interesting article on both types of triars plus the pictures from the middle are a nice addition to my wall :) Liked the thing on ben savage interesting reading. Hes a bit of a tank lol

  5. Oh Davey

    I have no motivation to study for my exams next month and i have to pass them all. I'm fine not revising maths, chem, bio and physics until closer to the time but i really have to knuckle down and get a B pass in English or i cant go to medical school. How can i motivate myself to do it ? I seem to plan to start at 1 or 2 o'clock but then procrastinate until about 4 or 5 and by then cant be arsed so say ill do it tomorrow? Help!!

  6. T-rex is 26" 'Bike Ridden: 24"


    I don't have a clue as to what's going on (cos i stay out of NMC) but i thought i'd throw that into the pit.

    Lol that little bit of ownage right there made my day, thank you MR fat pants lol

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