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Everything posted by mixmaker

  1. mixmaker

    English Days

    for youtube it's new) and for spanish forums too)
  2. mixmaker

    English Days

    Buddy, I'm sorry, but this is a veeeeeeeeeeeeery old repost.. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=89759&st=0&p=1133345&hl=platov&fromsearch=1&#entry1133345 I have uploaded this video on youtube because russian guys asked me about it)) but it's first time available for online watching.. so it couldn't be a repost let it be)
  3. just watch and enjoy SOS 3 (demo) full video comming soon rider's name is Stas Gordienko
  4. so, may be it's funny, but for limited several people:)
  5. I dont' understand - what a blind person you're talking??? That must be english humour? Cant see why is a blind person here
  6. It hasn't got clearer... I still cant understand....
  7. Joe, I don't understand you you said: "A peace of advice: never do not take blind date for silent film" what did you mean?
  8. as Dani said - rider's name is Alexander Ivanov he is from Russia, Vyksa. Alexandr has made this video more than one year ago. So, now we are waiting for his new video:)
  9. You said: Kuetn, gdot, irut, TOO(!), sule ))
  10. sorry for foreign language, dude. Just this video isabdent in russian forums, so several russians disscuss video here, trust, - all russians posts here is not bad for English people, just discussing video,not more
  11. Ну да) самое смешное. что когда я это записывал на видео - я разговора и не слышал чего он там в камеру бормочет, но кгда вот монтировал - то чуть тоже со стула не упал, когда услышал: "летел через хуево-кукуево, ну через Питер" )))) Как сделать визу в англию?
  12. As I remember - many of you have liked this awsome rider from Samara, Russia. To refresh you memory - here is his first video Now, me and my wife made a new video with Nikita for you. It was our trip to Europe, to Königsberg. It's a lite street video, Hope you like it.
  13. nice pics, but, seems like the white balance is not correct
  14. SO, We have found a sponsor for building a new bikterials park in the capital of Siberia -Krasnoyarsk. After finishing the first part of park - we have organized lthe ite competitions with riders from the neighbor city There were just 3 sectors in both directions results: 1. Melnikov Ivan (Koxx, grey tights) 533113 142101 25 won: camera nikon coolpix and 100 L of petrol 2. Filatov Taras (Koxx, black shorts, "mixmaker") 555411 155315 41 won: audiovideo player and 100 L of petrol 3. Kalosha Anton (white zhi Z3) 552435 501534 42 won: WD passport 250 GB.
  15. 2.48-3.08 the best 20 seconds in the history of biketrials:)
  16. Too short and poor information. but ideia is good
  17. What is better? Russian Rap or Metall music?
  18. and Gilles is better than Damon too )))))
  19. i hope it possible to see. This video wasmadeby my wife) It's her first expirience, please, comments http://vkontakte.ru/video_ext.php?oid=2057195&id=148688401&hash=2bd9a39bc75c6a85
  20. i'mthe greate!))) I could start the topic with many pages of posts)) not often I can see such topics here))) he-he don't stop! let's make 100 pages! c'mon!)))
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