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Posts posted by IFallOffLots

  1. I remember doing my GCSEs, Christ it doesn't seem like 2 minutes ago (I've just started my first year of Uni).

    Seriously though.

    Just revise and do the best you can possibly do with the time and resources you have left. In the grand scale of things; GCSEs are quite easy really (as are any exams if you just do the work).

    Revise in small chunks, work on what you don't know. It's only for a short while and then you've got the summer hols to look forward to :cool:

    Good luck with getting on the music course :) I'm doing a Degree in Popular Music now and it's great.

    I really WOULDN'T do this.

    Fair enough some colleges will look at the subjects you're applying for and the grades you got at GCSE for those subjects most closely related to those at a higher level, although it's a risky gamble as some will also notice that you've just slacked on everything else, which makes you look like you only want to put effort into things you enjoy.

    It's true that once you get your A levels they're obviously more important to employers etc than your GCSEs however at the moment your GCSEs are the most important thing you have going.

  2. Howdo all, I just need a helmet now and I can get back into riding again (thank god), at the moment I don't feel safe without one!

    Has anyone tried the above helmet? Or are there any other alternatives?

    It seems to get good reviews, and I've found one for £59.95 new which I think is a good price (they're £79.99 most places I've found). I tried it on myself and it felt very snug and comfortable, although it looks hugeee on my noggin!

    Discuss :D

  3. I remember doing my GCSEs, Christ it doesn't seem like 2 minutes ago (I've just started my first year of Uni).

    Seriously though.

    Just revise and do the best you can possibly do with the time and resources you have left. In the grand scale of things; GCSEs are quite easy really (as are any exams if you just do the work).

    Revise in small chunks, work on what you don't know. It's only for a short while and then you've got the summer hols to look forward to :cool:

    Good luck with getting on the music course :) I'm doing a Degree in Popular Music now and it's great.

  4. I've been quite lucky actually, but one time I got scared; did a gap and for some reason God knows what, didn't put my back break on :( Cue a slip right onto my back where I subsequently smacked my head on the ground.

    Thank god for helmets is all I can say.

    It knocked all out of the wind out of me, I've never been winded that bad before, I thought I was going to die lol I ran into the petrol station next door panicking trying to say 'I can't breathe', the 3 people in the shop started laughing because they thought I was joking :rolleyes:

  5. I used to use some Sidewinders a LONG time ago, and always had very bad callouses.

    Do you think the callouses were down to gloves? And is there a particular type of glove that can reduce them?

    I always used to think downhill gloves were the best, do most of you guys usually use slim lightweight gloves for trials or is it completely personal preference in the end?

    Questions questions.

  6. I wouldn't be annoyed with the members of the general public who show concern for our safety, like all the 'you'll break your back!' comments, fair enough some may be hinting that they want you to move on but I'm sure some are just being considerate aswell.

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