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Posts posted by JohnyMilton

  1. the tcomp is the same as the tpro in 07 so its not much different bu the forks have changed and i think the rims have to!! so if u have been on the tpro its the same as the tcomp for 07!!


    sorry pushed the wrong botton was ment to leave a comment to someone!!!

  2. foam grips are the way forward. not monty foams or tryall, go to your local halfords and buy some foam grips that go on racer bikes....slightly thicker, your hands mold to them after a few rides and you get 4 grips at the price of £5, also the grips are for racer bikes therefore they are long.... this means you can cut them in half and use one grip as a pair.... meaning youve bought 4pairs of grips for £5 !

    i hope this helps pal..... i think there great and last me 2months or so, thats a single grip, i have 3 more! :D

    graham ;)

    cheers mate i have heard o them will give them a blast anyway!! (Y)

    johny ;)

  3. well i have been freeride for 3 years then i got in to trials because i did motocross trials, but hurt my back and was told stay of motorbike, so i got a push bike trials bike so i could still do a form of trials!! lol and im really happy i did it!! (Y)


  4. wel i hate:

    chavs asking stupid questions!

    when people dont clean up after there dog <_<


    old evil grannies telling you that your bike isnt made for that <_<

    when i end up lying to nice old women saying ''im allowed to bike here honest'', when your not :rolleyes:

    drunks asking for a shot of you bike


    burst brakes

    little injurys that keep you off your bike for days

    your bike have a little part broken and you cant ride

    hopping on to walls then they fall apart, becuase somone just put the slap back on but wasnt cemented down!

    and :sleeping:

    well theres loads more cant be bothered typing anymore!! lol


  5. give it time to stop your hands hurting they will tuffen up and it'll be all fine, why don't your try some odi lock on grips or something like that.

    well mate i have been riden 2 years at trials and cant get a nice grip, i just wont a grip so i dont have to ride with gloves!! lol (Y)

  6. well tha past couple of days i have been focusing on brakes, got them sorted, but now its grips i use gusset grips, and i have tryed dmrs but i cant find a pair that hold up and dont hurt my hands as much!! what kind of grips should i try now??

    Johny :blink:

  7. well in the past couple of days theres been topics about brakes and the main one i was taking part in was''maggies or disks on the front end?'' ,ok and ther guy who posted the topic convinsted me to try maggies on the front and i did try maggies and i liked it, so now i ride with them. now i have had to go back to vbrakes on the rear, due to the fact my maggie burst. and i have to ask why do people use maggies cause vbrakes are just as good and cheaper!!!

    this is a pointless topic!! lol


  8. do u have any other friends? even non riding ones? they cud take a camera out with u an get some good shots and videos?

    i do have friends but as i said there downhillers and freeriders so all they do is bloody jump! lol but i do get pics when they come and watch me ride, another bonus when ur on ur on is that u dont get push in to sumthing u cant do yet and its great to ride alone where ur in a bad mood!!

    i there was once a bmxer goin about where i lived i used to ride with him but he moved!! so yeas i do have friends!!! lol :$


  9. wel this mornig i was lookin around and i seen the topic about a guy called chris, where he changed to a maggie up front then i left a couple of comments talkin about how i prefered disk, then i said i would try usen a maggie today, and well i did and i take bak wat ever i said about a maggie upfront there r really gd but im not sure wat i prefer wats ur opion? i just wont to see wat people have to say about them!!



  10. if your on your own, its the perfect time for some natural practise, although in these conditions you have to be rather motivated to go out on slippery logs and rocks and mud in the pissing rain. but an mp3 of some sort is indeed a very good idea

    well where i live its mainly street but yea mp3 helps so much gets u motivated!! :D


  11. I ride everyday, not all my friends ride everyday so i have to ride on my own, never miss a day out. Sometimes can be abit boring but sometimes i have loads of fun and learn soo much quicker. (Y)

    yea thats the same with me i ride every day, and i enjoy it myself listen to music its gd, but people think im a loner but its gd :S !! lol


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