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Posts posted by gianttrials

  1. aup mate,

    well seen as you have a zoo it will lokk good with the zoo riser bars. i have these bars and they are realy good i love them even no i do not have a zoo python put they are mint. i also have the try-all stem 31.8mm rise and its a beast (Y)

    Isn't 31.8mm the diameter for the bars and not the rise or did i misread what you were saying? :S

  2. :) Hi there people, i ride a giant stock and put 35lbs pressure into the tyres, but now i'm soon going to be riding a mod (wahoooo) can anyone please give me advice on the right tyre pressure to run front and rear,

    cheers everyone, any feedback would be appreciated.

    Gianttrials (Y)

  3. well why don't you get zoo bars and an echo stem like my mate has, it looks well cool and would compliment your frame, or the echo tough bars are probably worth a look at aswell, i use them and they're the best bars i've ever used. Alternatively any bar and stem combo from the big trials manufacturers like monty, megamo, koxx, etc should all be good aswell. (you really cant go far wrong with zoo bars and echo stem though). Good luck with your choice (Y)

  4. if you can't get a monty seat pad then your next bet is to get a chainstay protector and cut it to fit around your frame, or even cheaper get an old inner tube, cut out a shape to fit round your frame and ziptie it.

    might be worth a go, hope this helps (Y)

  5. hi there ben,

    great name by the way. my most memorable bike would have to be my rocket f.a.b pro trials that i had a few years ago. it'd be nice to know if anyone remembers them? that was one of the first proper trials specific frames in the country. if anyone knows of one of these frames for sale please let me know as i'd be very interested. planet x zebdi cool bike.

    thanks ben (Y)

  6. hello mate,

    i'm back riding after 2 years or so off, been riding last 3 months and just getting my bike up to date now, and also learning the new skool techniques on a still kind of old skool bike, anyways good luck with your riding mate, good to know it's not just me (Y)B)

  7. if you've got a frame thats seatless thats cool, but if you've got a frame that takes a seat i'd use a mini seat. okay there not as comfy as a proper saddle but it means you've got more room, and i reckon it looks pretty cool aswell. one more thing its better 2 land on abit of plastic than cut down frame (tubing),


  8. i agree with eskimo,

    try it, but is it worth the extra weight?

    whatever happened to using xc wheels on the front? that's just me i guess?

    by the way wide rims make wide tyres squarer shaped and narrower rims make wide tyres rounder shaped, which means wide rims/tyres on the back make sense because ther'll be more to grip with.

    2.1 has to be the biggest tyre size to run on the front surely?

    anyone else got thoughts on that?

    gianttrials (Y)

  9. alright mate,

    i've got a cane creek headset cost around £50, no problems and should go on for a long time. if your not looking to spend loads try one of them or an fsa orbit xlII. if your splashing out though go chris king or echo or zoo or something like that.

    hope that helps,

    gianttrials (Y)

  10. hello mate,

    i reckon you'd be worth looking at the ashton frames, as thats probably an easier progression from ur old shooter frame. the problem is when you buy a frame and don't get on with it it's alot of money wated. you're best bet is to try and have a go on some different frames and set-ups. pics can tell you if it looks good and also people can tell you if it rides well, but it's you that has to ride it. don't rush in but go for something that grabs your attention and feels right for you.

    hope this helps buddy,


  11. hi there,

    okay if your looking for street it's gotta be bristol or reading, and if your thinking more natural get near the comps, devon, yorkshire, essex. wales has some great riding spots aswell. i think you'll find most places near cities are gonna be good, hope this helps and good luck with learning your english, etc.


  12. hi there,

    i reckon your best bet is to meet up with some of your local riders and see if you can try out both sizes. the difference between both sizes makes a lot of difference but so does bike set up, make, etc. even small things like stem length, lever angle make all the difference to each bike set up. go for what feels most comfortable, you'll probably know instantly if it feels right or not. hope this helps.


  13. hi there, i've just started riding with a disc and to be honest either a disc or well set up magura are just as good. for street riding i'd recomend a disc though. my 8 years riding has always bought me back to maguras though, so its definetly personal preference. discs look really cool aswell. don't know if this helps, but hope it does.


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