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Posts posted by fyfey

  1. They just look like ordinary gaming PC's?? How is that rivalling the PS3? IMO PC's are 1000 times better than consoles anyway.

    Did anyone ever play Rainbow Islands on the C64? The Dizzy's were amazing! Great music too. I seem to remember playing Chucky Egg alot too.

  2. Nice! Impressive stuff! I love my Megadrive :D My favourite game for it has to be Micromachines 96 TT!! With the J-Cart for an extra 2 players!

    Also got a Commodore 64, although I don't use it much anymore as I can't be bothered to wait for the tapes to load!

    Ha ha, i saw that too and was completely amazed!

    JT, you are a beast.

    He was invincible when he went over it, so couldn't get hurt!

  3. Harry and me were riding on a wall and a community support officer pulls up on his bike. He calls me over, so I ride over to him. Then he threatens me with a £30 fine for riding on the path, about 2 metres from the wall! He tells us to go down the skatepark. :huh:

    So we rode off over the other side of town to the steps of the closed down Odeon. About 5 minutes later some bloke starts shouting over to us... looked over and it was the damn officer again, this time on foot with another one! I couldn't believe it! So he gives us a final warning for riding on the path and takes our details down. :angry:

    So in the end we just went down the skatepark! Didn't want to risk bumping into him again and getting a fine :(

    Fyfey :turned:

  4. also. come on fyfe you wimpy girl "im a full member, i dont have to ride when its f**king lovely outside! >_<"

    I don't wanna ride my crappy Claud Butler, especially down the skate park as there's nothing I can do on it! After I've ordered my wheel and tyres etc... I will only have about £50 worth of stuff to get. So as soon as I get my Control built I will ride with you every minute of every day!

  5. Have you installed the new motherboard drivers? And deleted the old ones? If it's an AGP motherboard you need to install the motherboard's GART driver before you install the new graphics drivers.

    As for the DLL's that couldn't be loaded... was this during setup? Could be that the disc was scratched and couldn't copy a few files. If this is the case then you may still have missing files. Not always a problem though.

  6. When i move the cursor over the bar at the top, it starts flashing really fast, not so keen on the big scribble thing either but the rest looks good.

    That's just a dodgy Piczo menu bar, with some bad javascript. Not alot he can do about that.

    The site is ok, shame about the pixelated images (N)

  7. Nice guide. Had to use it today on a second hand HS33. Was clogged up with loads of gunk! The cylinders were sticky and full of thick black oil. I've cleaned them up good using this method, clean as a whistle and bled perfectly (using a syringe).

  8. but thats not free money is it, its money you had before and they took away, and you are now getting it back? how is that free?

    OK, not Free. But money you might have thought lost that you're never getting back.

    Just trying to let people know it's not too hard, no need to pick my posts to pieces!

  9. I'm a bit confused... The whole thing with Direct Debits is that it happens automatically so you can't forget/miss a payment... Also you say they charged you £45 for missing the payment so you asked for £117 from them?



    As said above, I didn't have enough money to clear the Direct Debit. I asked for the £117 as they had charged me before as well.

    I've also heard that they sometimes want you to close the account. They didn't say anything about it in the form or on the phone. I'm with Halifax.

    Normally the bank charges are for sending a letter out and maybe just a punishment for doing it, but I use online banking and I view my letters on their website! It wouldn't be so bad if they just charged £10 for it! Then I wouldn't be as bothered.

  10. Reclaim bank charges...

    Recently I missed a Direct Debit for my phone bill and my bank charged me £45 because of it. They didn't pay it for me, and I didn't get overdrawn because of it. What is the charge for? A bit excessive!

    This annoyed me a lot as I'm saving to build a bike. I've also been charged for various other things in the past. I did a search on Google and found Ten steps to reclaim bank fees. It appears these charges are unlawful and can be reclaimed, it's easier than you may think.

    I downloaded a template from their website which I edited to the correct details. I asked the bank to repay £117 within 28 days or I will take legal action, something like that anyway.

    I got a phone call from them the other day and they "Wanted to settle it now". They offered me £90 of it back, which I gladly accepted! (I didn't want to take it to court anyway!) They sent me a form to sign, which I've now sent back and will receive the £90 within 14 days!

    So if you've been charged by your bank, maybe give it a go and get some money back that you weren't expecting. It's worth a try and doesn't cost you a thing! (Well... a stamp) (Y)


    Fyfey :turned:

  11. One very major problem with it... you'd have no feel to the brakes! Pull the lever with near zero resistance and not knowing what the callipers are doing.

    Good idea though, would be more useful on something like the rear mech where you don't need the "feel".

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