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future orange 660

Blacklisted Trader
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Posts posted by future orange 660

  1. yeh. did u read that last one?

    i though it was pretty good.

    mentions layering of components to make it thinner

    alot or marketing stuf though how it uses off the shelf components. fair play.. kind of reinvented the apple brand too

    and about the shape.. thats why the nano is smaller and differently shaped as it uses a flash drive rather than hard drive in larger models

  2. it mentioned simplicity with emphasis on user interface.

    apple products have a distinctive design style across the range. clean lines, radii, simplicity.

    as for the stainless bit. functionality of being protective and polished for aesthetics as personal scratching.

    just say inspiration was parallel products.

  3. lol at people on a tech forum telling people to oet put more

    its a good observation though

    although the size of the clickwheel they can change. im sure the body is as small as they can get it, if that makes sense.

    quite interesting though how many things are supposed to be designed around the concept

  4. just wondering..

    why are apple so keen to launch a high number of products in a short space of time?

    new imac. new ipods. iphone. leopard. macbook air

    anyone know why they are doing it so quickly?

    usually people hold releases according to markets eg gaming, but apple seem to be churning out loads of stuff. admittedly new products sometimes.

    more and more mac users though.. but have the percentages changed from pc to mac much? or is the increased shared with pc?

    not that i know. maybe some people do.

  5. i dont see this as a mac bumming thread

    its the launch of a revolutionary product, again by apple.

    i still think the macbook air is too low on features. is also very expensive. though people will still buy it. similar situation with the iphone i guess. just one of those need to buy things.

  6. dont forget wiki is a .....wiki..

    top gear or the real stig could even write something to divert attention surely

    if the stig is numerous people though, apart from special occasions. id say one of them is ben collins too from the look of it.

    its slightly ironic though that top gear fans are the ones trying to find out who he is. if we knew it wouldn't be that funny anymore.

  7. just to clear. there is no 'his' work

    Bauhaus is a design movement in germany. design school early 1900's..didn't last long. 14 years or so.

    so yeah, many designers belonged to bauhaus. there are even pictures of hitler sitting on their chairs. he then later stopped Bauhaus because of the irrational ethics of the eccentric students.

  8. I work for a London communications agency, we employ almost 50 people in 3 offices, London, Cardiff and Worthing. We have 5 designers in London and 1 in Cardiff, my job involves liaising with them almost on a daily basis, making sure the sites i develop from their designs are to their satisfaction, working with them up in the London office to make sure it's again, as they want.

    I'm also allowed to look through CV's of applicants and discuss who to call in for an interview, given, not for design but i often read the applications for design anyway just to see who i might be working with in future. I then of course get to see who was picked from those applications.

    That extent enough to justify my "BS posts"?

    admin (Y)

    jobs done by those who can't are better than jobs done for those who haven't the time.

  9. any design company knows that a design grad does have experience.

    real projects. real clients.

    and the 15k debt you said.. more like 40k.

    40k is minute in comparison to the potential earnings of a decent grad.

    design after uni is not just making pretty cad images btw...

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