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Posts posted by BenLeacock™

  1. I do:








    But then I do cardio and things somtimes on my rest days.

    Your ab's are just like any other muscle need time to rest!

    I do a 4 day split;

    monday: chest/tri's

    tuesday: Shoulder/abs

    wednesday: rest

    thursday: Legs

    friday: back/bi's

    Works pritty well, seen some decent improvements. I'll post it up sometime, need my ipod for my full workout, haven't got that on me!

  2. Yer looking good mate, defiantly a big improvement from the last video I saw off you, and im sure once upon a time you stated these to quotes to me;

    ''I will never ride a stock, there gay''

    ''I would never ride a magure they are shit''

    If only you had listened to me earlier haha!

  3. Ultimate arms, sd7 lever, random cable and old plaz CRVs. Taht's the setup Beau used and that was crazy. Would even hold and bite for that big b*****d! :P

    Thats exactly same as what I used, clarks cable! Was awesome! Deore arms were still better

  4. Yer id be up for that challenge muel said about the transformation.

    I can bench 110 1 rep max, and do sets of 10 x 3 with 80kg. I don't really train to try and set one max reps though, just for power and strength. Recently ive got really into deadlifts.

    Tom, id recommend PHD Synergy if your wanting to bulk up, in 7 months i put on 3 stone, I was coming from basically a starved Ethiopians body though.

  5. The main thing I like about danny's video's is the fact that everyone is different, he uses a range of different moves and puts them into smooth flowing lines. Never get bored of watching him! Video's like this give credit to him and his sponsors!

  6. Hmm you might struggle to do the ''tgs'' (tap's, gap's and sidehop) side of trials with the specialized. However the more flowy street riding wouldn't be much trouble at all. If you are going to keep the P3, id recommend getting a high rise bar, with a short stem. It will make the bike bunnyhop and manual, A LOT easier. I no you won't be able to post in the main forum, but have a look in the bike pics, use the search and look for ''inspired'' ''24uk'' either of them will bring up bikes which are normally used for this kind of riding. Have a look at there set up and possibly look into doing similar your self.

    www.tartybikes.co.uk - will recommend parts/give very good service.

    www.chainreactioncycles.com - will have a wider range of less trials specific parts.

    Just using them 2 websites you should be able to find what you need.

    Have you had a think about maybe running rigid forks? It will make the trials side of things a hell of a lot easier, and the dirt jumping will be faster?

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