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Everything posted by helmets-are-for-gays!

  1. my mates had both 06 Zoo! Pitbull long and short he prefered the short over the long
  2. i did 6ft on my mates bike scared the hell outta me and i landed wrong so i was out for a while but now just gettin back in the swing of things
  3. creepy crawlers dont actually last that long when your using ur bike everyday for trials/get to work bike
  4. im part of the other 10% that doesn't where one because i gel my hair and dont want to ruin it
  5. oh i see there are people on here that think they are all it then lmao if you haven't goy anything good to say keep it shut because it just causes grief! people like you should get banned FOR LIFE! add me to msn! anyone welcome
  6. cheers dude if anyone wnts to add me to the big wide world of msn its ilovetrials@hotmail.co.uk cheers lucas
  7. hello im new to all this so please be gentle
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