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Posts posted by Wrayvon

  1. google for the homepage url in your internet options and see what everybody has to say about it -you'll probably find out some way to remove it manually (its worked for me a few times).

    Done that, and sorted it (Y)

    Ta mate!

    So how is internet explorer disabled then :S

  2. Thanks for your help guys (Y) New question now :P

    How do i delete internet explorer? It wont let me, says its in use by other programs when its not :S

    Also, how do i set it so that when i press to go to my inbox on msn, it opens with firefox rather than interent explorer?

    Cheers! :rolleyes:


  3. Firstly I would try updating your virus scanner that's, etc. Or get AVG (free) and use that... AVG is also a decent anti-virus software - MakeAFee is not.

    Firefox would be a good idea. Getting rid of WinXP and using Win2k is a brillant idea (Y) .

    When did that box stop coming up? I can't tell because of the gayness of WinXP but was it actually part of McAfee or an IE pop-up? If it was a pop-up it's just a rubbish trick some sites use to sucker you into clicking useless links. Try doing a full scan with McAfee or AVG... or invest in the best and buy F-Prot.

    Run your Spyware software and try giving everything a clean.

    Check your registry for suspect entries. If you don't know what suspect ones look like then google for "Windows registry start-up techniques" and check that there are no weird programs activating at start up.

    Not to sure if WinXP has it, but check for C:\Windows\win.ini and checking that "explorer.exe" is listed as the shell. If it isn't, make it so.

    Try reverting your homepage back. If it still changes get back to us.

    Always keep your Anti-Virus up to date... and use a decent one (Y)

    PS. Also, check for any of the characteristics listed in the detailed descriptions of that virus you can find on the internet. (I personally prefer the Kaspersky descriptions).

    Woah lots to try! Where can i find the wonderful AVG? Also, what is wrong with McAfee? It always seems to work great (Y) The pop up started again now, it was nothing to do with anti virus software. Just another scam as you say. I'm using firefox now anyway, and all seems to be working. Although photoshop has stopped working now...


  4. oo fast replies! Thanks! I have done that many times! It just keeps resetting itself to that :S

    And yer, as you can see from the pic, i have McAfee anti virus. And use ad-aware for spyware etc. Done both and hasn't helped!!!


  5. [attachmentid=5094]

    Basically turned computer on today after my brother was using it, and went on internet, and this appears as my home page for some reason. When normally it was online banking :P Now i'm guessing this isn't a genuine thing and is actualyl going to give me even more viruses/spyware. What you think? Also, what shall i do!



    EDIT: And yer, under that box is my I.P address etc!


  6. This topics pointless.

    If you really want to take the piss out of Pete, there are a million ways better than posting pictures of a pad that he's made, that looks exactly the same as every other pad.

    Here are some examples:

    Suing people for slander

    Helium downtubes

    Titanium holes

    Carbon something or other

    Breaking his back when the mounts fell off his Pashley

    His wife dying 4 years ago

    Hubs running on opposing magnets

    Him being the only "dyslexic" person on the forum who can't type

    Him trying to get a load of glory because he knew DJ just after he died


    This topic pales in comparison to Petes past, I don't see whats supposed to be funny.

    Lmao the guys a legend!

    Helium downtubes was the icing on the cake for me ^_^

  7. Basicallly, my computer did those automatic updats last night, and this morning when i just logged on, it comes up with this thing about my windows being counterfit. So...how do i get rid of it? I remember there being a topic fairly recent, but cant find it! (N) I dont want to lose any of my stuff or owt, just go back to my settings of yesterday morning.

    Help please!!!! :rolleyes:


  8. i broke up with shona on sunday late night/ monday morning.........

    it was all me who did it and she seemed really upset, seen her a few times this week.

    when we were going out she always said if i broke us up she'd never get back with me.

    im still a bit :S ATM so give sit a few weeks. and ill see how its going.

    Dude, what happened?

  9. Ive attached 3 shortcuts that should work. Be warned though they dont give you a menu once clicked like the start menu ones. Obviously you can change the icons to whatever :)


    ta very much! Liking this new 'layout'. Although im sure it will start to annoy me soon :P


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