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Posts posted by stuie

  1. Heavy? mine is a very light bike. Much lighter than my mates Simtra ST-1. It seems pretty long and sometimes hard to get up especially when tired. (It also scratches very easily haha)


    post some picks as mine is heavy and others i know are heavy


  2. I just bought one of these beasts. I got the frame, BB, Forks for £100! I'll put some picys up when i have done. Yours looks great. Iv'e had a ride on mine with some onza cranks and some knackered freewheel and loads of other wrong parts but the bike feels so smooth. alot of people say its heavy but i dont think it is lol.

    they are a tad heavy but i kno what you mean there not so bad when you are on them though...


  3. Yes but will you beffo be thear.........come one stue quote me happy

    You sound like the advirt....qoute me happy.

    Im guessing i can be there.

    Got somethings to sort out at home etc etc and i should be there as got some work on now but i will have to see though fella.

    I would love to come though.

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