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Everything posted by Keyry

  1. I am only 11 so no i havent started but god i wish i was big like you then i could tell people to grow up. I am not runing the forum im making it better your trashing it you fool i would laugh if you died today.
  2. What kind of screen name is poopipe, jus because u must take it up tha poo pipe, u aint gota advertise it to everyone ! :D

  3. How do you no i havent got a bike i sed i wanted a new bike not a 1st bike you ugly little boy Anyway, i bet that the bike ive got atm is still better than the one that u have, even though i still wanna get a new one
  4. Is that all you can say pfff probly because you are one of the crap ones who cant even backwheel hop.
  5. Yeah ive got to admit t-rexs are lush mate but i doubt yours is any good probly a bodge dude id love to see a picture so i can have a good old laugh over it.
  6. Thats what i was thinking about doing mate but my dad seems to think that 200 bikes wont fit in my garage. I spose your just jelious because you probly have a crappy mission reefer. with crappy vee brakes (looser)
  7. To be honest mate i hated it thorght it was extreamly boring and i could easly do better. with my eyes shut hehe.
  8. I WOuld laugh so much, if no one turned up, apart from aload of crap people only just starting out (No Offence m8) lol
  9. Why dont you buy it instead of waiting for other people to spend the money and get there view (cheap skate)
  10. why dont you shut up mate im only looking to buy a bike why dosent anybody like me? WoW, Poopie, No 1 likes u FooL !!! so stfu n get a life? please n ty
  11. Watch out fo that "mrkoxx" He thinks hez tha bomb at riding, hes actually a really CRAP Rider (No offence) too people who knowz him
  12. I ride in harlow but i dont have a bike lol but theres no point in me ridding with you because your probly rubbish mate (no offence)
  13. Theres much better ones, u just bought a cheap skanky one from somewhere like 99p stores or poundland
  14. Im only looking to buy a new bike why am i being reported.
  15. Naa if he gona take a hammer too it then why not give it to me, as ive not got a bike yet LMAO
  16. Dave, u sound like one of them homos that dnt no how to insult u bait head !
  17. Bump Hello is anybody going to bother replying to my thread just say the best bike so i can go buy one then get ridding.
  18. Potty mouth nice insult you girl i told him what i thorght about the pads. Have you every tried that set up because if you havent your are in no postion to make a comment like that.
  19. Im Not From tha Hastings Area, But i was down your mums area lastnight n it wuz real good btw =P
  20. How dose that describe me when you dont even no who i am you wonnabe (mrkoxx pff nice name)retard
  21. Well Try opening your eyes, You must b blind, maybe u should b thinking about buying one of them blind ppls sticks instead of a bike u retarded homo
  22. Why dont you just buy them both you tramp then send one back if you dont like its simple try using your brain in futuer (you retard)
  23. WEll u normally start off in a shop u retarded twat, everyone knows that. :rollseyes:
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