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Everything posted by nikolai

  1. Unless I screw things up really bad, I'll be starting a job at the University of Manchester this fall. I have lots of questions. What is the trials scene in Manchester like? How many riders? Are there good rocks and logs around, or is it all urban stuff? How about road and MTB? How about hiking and camping? I'd like to live no more than 5K from campus. What areas should I avoid living in? (I want to avoid both crime and drunk college kids) I tentatively plan on biking to work every day. Will my bottom-of-the-line hybrid bike definitely get ripped off? Do I need to find a rusted junker instead? What are the winters like? Do I have to become a fan of Manchester United? What time does the sun set at the summer/winter solstice? Does your country have socalized healthcare? Do all Brits listen to nothing but techno and do nothing but ecstasy? Thanks guys!
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