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Scott Norman

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Everything posted by Scott Norman

  1. well i got called a tramp because i had no seat but just said sh*t dont i looked round my bike and said bloody chavs have nicked it agen
  2. hello and welcome to the forurm mate more post like this and you will be with the big boys in no time mate
  3. yea i know lol but i dont have rear disk mounts so i cant run disk on rear but when i get viz curved forks then i will be able to run front disk
  4. same sorry i had a feeling they were but there not mate just pop in to your nearest halfrauds then you'll find one
  5. i mean front disk lol not rear i cant
  6. the bike hut ones are on halfruds i think
  7. i properly will be getting a disk so i will properly go disk but I'm still thinking weather to.
  8. well i have herd that a well set up avid BB can be as good as a hope, don't know whether its true or not because i have not had one but i would say bike hut there cheap and good.
  9. but if you re threaded it then i would be OK wouldn't it?
  10. OK and would you not just get a tap and dye set and re thread?? would that work??
  11. what would be better front and rear full wheel builds?? meta trials wheel set meta or viz front and rear? front rear
  12. OK, i was looking at the viz curve forks and really like them but i was not to sure what the red bits for? is it like the forks own top cap or something?? thanks Scott. And also are they good forks?
  13. what you mean?? i did not say 16 on front i said 18 on front 12 on back.
  14. OK first download the spell checker and also don't you text talk then if you wanted to go mod go 18 12.
  15. are you running that on a 20" or 26"?? because the normal gearing for 20" is 18 12 gearing
  16. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index.php?act=announce&f=13&id=3

    read what it says on there they are the rules so abide by them and you will be validated in no time and then can sell all you want

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