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Scott Norman

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Everything posted by Scott Norman

  1. Adamant a1 they are a lush frame. there you go.
  2. As ash said you dont what them. They look verry weak. Spend the extra money on viz hubs or somthing like that.
  3. Welcome back mate and dont you mean the best sport in the world? lol
  4. Yes my mate did a few weeks ago they have all bent and cracked down the middle
  5. I say VP pedals there strong and i love them and they are verry grippy . May just may be geting the monty cnc vp pedals. ebay
  6. Look mate your not cool lol. I dont know why most pre members get all gobby and think they know best.
  7. If you have a problem with the rules confront admin!! Then you wont be a member on the forum no more if you talk to them like that!
  8. Well this is not a way to start you life in trials is it reported agen.
  10. Ok, I have a Da Bomb team magura. Will this frame take snail cams? as i a fed up with massive chain tensions on the back. Thanks Scott
  11. There are trials shops but just on the internet. what im asking why is there not a place like in every town/city?? Verry right.
  12. Why are trials shops not in every city?? Because if your out on a ride and something brakes you can just pop in and buy the part not have to go home and they buy off Internet. Thanks Scott
  13. Use Trials-uk Or Tartybikes Good place to get a bike and they have prices.
  14. Hello mate and welcome to the forum. Its good to see older people geting into trials Read the rules and you will be validated in no time.
  15. Cool mate and welcome to the forum. I would recommend getting no more than a T-Pro, There are a very good bike if your only just starting. Stick to all the forum rules and you will be validated in no time. Scott
  16. Muelio where you get these photos from?? lol
  17. Da bombs are under laquer but how go you get laquer off?? As i have wanted to get my sticketrs off for ages now
  18. Well said Adam lol You will never be validated now because you don't make posts to ask to be validated. So like nicP said delete account and make a new one.
  19. Car body shops are the best bet not repair shops lol. I am getting my frame done before i sell it when i get a new frame.
  20. Use Aerosol because you get a nice even finish where as brush paint you get brush lines in it And depends what colour you have got alredy eg rims ect. like gold and white go good and blue a black go good.
  21. Do it because then when bits brake you dont need to buy on internet
  22. Ok its the first time i have sold something on ebay, now some one has won it what do i do i have confirmed payments and all that but its just the bit what says print postage label?? or do i just take it to my local post office?? Help please Scott
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