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Tha Goat

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Posts posted by Tha Goat

  1. beast of a ride. so many people. good atmosphere, really nice friendly people and top job for those who had a travel from overseas! (you know who you are).

    steve (orange 26" dob, the only surviving one)

    That's a pretty sweet bike you have. I was the Irish guy with the Simtra who didn't puncture your front tube (Y)

    Best part, Jennings out witting the old bill.

    Police - "You can only take photos, no videos!"

    Charlie - "Is 24 pictures a second okay?"

    Police - "Errrmm??"

    I've been laughing at that for the last 20 minutes straight, some funny sh*t.

    Again, Jack you're a legend for organising this. It was so cool to see some of the top names just killing it (what it is I don't know :blink: )

    I would definately go to more events like this even though I only got home a 8 a.m. this morning and only got 40 minutes sleep on the bus to the airport (N)

    John, the Irish rider on a grey Simtra :P

  2. I was one of the riders whogot lost, alon with Tom Oliver and his dad, and I'm so so so so mega pissed that I did, that spot looks pretty epic.

    I was blown away by the riding going on. It was a first time for me seeing such amazing riding in person. Adam Bessell, Porter and Sam Oliver were all so amazing to watch in person and are all really cool guys to boot. As well as all the people whos names I've forgotten, thanks for making me feel welcome.

  3. For someone of your age you're not that infirm...

    And I know for a fact that you like to watch :P...

    Looks like my accommodation in London will not happen, where is a good place to stay? Preferably really near Liverpool St. Station so I don't have to drag the bike box very far...

    I'm not as infirm as you you auld bollicks!

    Who doesn't like to watch?

    Did Borys not get onto you about accommodation? I take it Chris is still not responding?

  4. which riders are in these catergorys?

    Coming in a group of just 26" ? 1 Mod, 2 26", I'm the other 26"

    Have to travel more than 300 miles there and back? Flying from west of Ireland, probably 400 miles, as the crow flies about 356 ish?

    Travel on there own? Possibly.

    First time in London? Never been there with a bike. Ditto

    Still running a full set of gears with mech hanger? Up till the start of 2007 I was.

    Injured but is still coming to watch? Not injured at the moment. Currently injured but I'm going to ride anyway.

    Bringing pack lunch? Plenty of sugar, that's about it.

    Do St pauls drop gap for there first time? Never seen it, but it sounds beyond my nerve/ability. I may give it a go?

    Just coming in a group with just mods.? Nope

    Coming and is not a teenager and is over 29? I'll be 23 days short of 30 on the 1st March... Old balls!

    Who's on 09 products/frames? Not me. Nope, closest thing to it would be my Hope pro 2 hub.

    Wearing a bike trials related tee-shirt? Yup, although I'll have to check my wardrobe. :rolleyes:

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