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Tha Goat

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Posts posted by Tha Goat

  1. Hi guys.

    I have made a event date on face book you can add yourself to. Easypeasy to do

    It will give a indication of how many riders are coming.

    If you have not recived a invite that will be due to the fact I did not have you on face book yet. So send a request. Join it. All are welcome. Lookforward to seeing who are attending.



    I hope the Irish lot come. Do it guys.

    If there is any french or Belgium riders that are thinking of coming give forum member (medhi) known as chimpanzy lift/help/advice.

    When I say Irish trials massive, you should understand that there are only about 5/6 trials riders in Ireland that I know of, there maybe more but I haven't found them. I'll definately be along and I'll try drag as many of them along as I can.

    Post or pm me a link to your Facef**k page? Please and thanks


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