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Ben John-Hynes

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Everything posted by Ben John-Hynes

  1. Ride was Wiiiiiiiicked! 'Cept from the rain =[ Funny Shtufffffff! Ben x
  2. i finish at 1.20 on wed's and thurs. other than that i fini at 3 Ben x
  3. A lot of people, including myself, hate the feel of a rear disk, the have no modulation and they just don't feel as good as a maggie or a V. Ben x EDIT: Apparantly, the echo brakes leak like bi*ches no idea why i've just been hearing it Ben x
  4. If you can get closer into birmingham city centre you'll always have someone to ride with i'm always there riding owentrialsman always comes down and there's a few more that always come to ride THERE'S A RIDE IN BIRMINGHAM TOMORROW GET THE TRAIN TO NEW STREET AND I'LL MEET YOU THERE AT AROUND 11'ISHH YOU UP FOR IT? Ben x
  5. i ride on my own a lot in birmingham centre but "owentrialsman" and a few others always come for a ride there's more plus...... there is a ride taking place in birmingham tomorrow trialsgenius@hotmail.com add me on msn and i'll fill you in! Ben x
  6. Need to sort out my front brake man Pads are like 14 inches away from my rim! might do it in town tomorrow! Ben x
  7. Loved it, Brill song, went wickedly well with the riding! Ben x
  8. I Loooooooove it!!!! So Beasty looking! Ben x
  9. My try-all rim holds a grind well. thought i'd impart my wisdom(H) Ben x
  10. i use a 2.1 WTB tyre works really well, cheap good in the wet too! Ben x
  11. I am ashamed to admit, but it is true. apparantly, according to owen, i give good love! (A) Benjaminge x
  12. Birminghammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Am from birmingham, what about you?? Ben x
  13. Extremely fragile though as soon as a real man (H) gets his hands on it, it breaks loool sorry about that again! Ben x
  14. bring a decent camera as mine is pooooooopy! get some pics of that immense gap at red walls Ben x
  15. I Have always loved those frames, soooo nice i want it :| Ben x
  16. i'm from birrrrrmingham! Where about you from? Ben x
  17. when will got trapped upside down and hurt his leg and was lying on the floor, the dog things went after him and sam but the infected people didn't? why was that? Ben x
  18. dude it's all good asking questions and being curious, but don't start up so many topics. it gets so annoying. ask Q's in your current topics! Ben x
  19. Yeahhhhh boyyyy i'll be there! thought your internet was down? "You big dumbasssss" loool www.myspace.com/cdorange trialsgenius@hotmail.com Ben x
  20. get a grind and get some decent pads to go with it, and it'll work well in wet and dry, and should make a nice noise Ben x
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