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Dan Jones

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Posts posted by Dan Jones

  1. I 5'ved the first 3 sections, then got 3 dabs and 3 again, then James and Dave were talking about retiring because of the clay clogging everything. Looking at James' bike made me laugh he seemed to have 30inch wheels with the added mud and clay.

    I decided to try and finish anyway which seemed to spur them on to complete the course :rolleyes: . I think Dave and I were the last to finish, and because we had taken so long the sections had started to dry so a big advantage for us.

    It must have taken the same amount of time to clean my bike as to ride the trial.

    I would do it again though...

  2. I hope that guys alright now.

    It's made me look at some things about first aid as i don't know a lot about it, I came across the bbc site http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/first_aid_action/ .

    why the f**k do people just hedabut the floor like that?

    I have gone over the bars and not put my hands out before, i'm not sure why it happens. Maybe it's because I didn't consider it could happen when doing something small. At the time I was trying to bunnyhop a 1 foot wooden post and never put much thought into doing it. The backwheel hit it as i was halfway across. I was lucky and only got a chipped tooth, cracked helmet and grazed face.

  3. I'm looking for the 4 bolts for the Magura 4 bolt mounts.

    I found them on this site www.stagonset.co.uk and wasn't sure if they are ok to use as it says:

    "Presently we offer standard metric fasteners in A2 grade stainless steel, perfect for corrosion resistant applications and ideal for motoring and marine duties. If you are replacing ordinary steel bolts then please be aware that A2 stainless steel has a slightly lower tensile strength than standard 8.8 grade plain carbon steel bolts."

    Does anyone know if they will be strong enough or alternatively a good place to get the bolts from?



  4. The IRC El Gato used to get easier to snake bite (puncture by the inner tube getting squashed on the rim edges) as they got older, not sure if its the same for your tyre?

    Maybe its just a combination of your rim and an old tyre now.

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