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Posts posted by kingkopity

  1. hi all. does anybody know where to buy fully built rear wheels. price doesn't matter. i just cant be arsed to buy all the parts and wait until i can get time off work to take it all to my local bike shop (who doesnt do that good of a job) and get it built. just stripped my 03 try-all wheel to find out where the clicking is coming form and found that that the hub center is a nice egg shape mmm. also any ideas how to avoid this in future. thanks

  2. i use panel wipe (from a body shop) because it evaporates nicely and its designed to get grease and silicone out of metal prior to paint. the pads i just take out give em a wipe then rough em up with sand paper. works for me. but IL be trying a few of the other suggestions mentioned above.

  3. scrap the frame. it will cost you more to get it fixed than get another frame. without getting technical re-tapping wont work. from experience. try glue but dont get too excited about it working. make sure you clean the bb and shell before you glue it though or youve no chance of it keying.

    -ive seen the future..its a pogo stick-

  4. keep saving mate. you wanna get your basics nailed before you buy anything trials specific. i bet over 90% of the riders on here started on a s****y mountain bike or BMX. one of the best local (to me) riders Ive seen started on his mums pink emmelle. maybe you should buy one of them.haha

  5. welcome back to world of trials mate. i took about 4 years out and then had a go on a mates bike and had to buy a new one. not stopped since. its still the best tonic for when your missus is doing your onion in or to keep the beer gut down. best of luck. but i will say it hurts allot more now when something goes tits up. ha ha

  6. with 900 pound to spend you've got a varied choice mate. 1ST question you gotta ask yourself is do you want a bash plate or bash ring. that narrows it down straight away. then think about how you ride. squashed up with plenty of bunny hops etc or spread out over the bike IE. long frame wide bars etc. that way you know what sort of length to look at. your next decision should be do you want to buy a full bike or buy parts and build it yourself? id advise the latter. look on tarty or select etc, pick a frame. buy your frame/ headset/ bottom bracket and ask them to fit them before delivery. then shop around and get your other parts. when you have everything in 1 place..get to work. anybody can work an hammer an a spanner. all being well after an hour or two and a few swear words..enjoy. with a budget like that don't be stupid and buy an onza. if you want a shorter bike buy a monty PR or Ti. longer bike adamant/GU/echo or zoo. being slightly biased id advise a GU. best of luck.

  7. hi mate. being as you dont need a full set, (8,5, maybe 6+3 etc) i just bought em seperate and got the best i could. (parc and snap on) i found all the multi tools and cheaper sets either round them selves off or your bolt head. and once youve had to get medievil with an hacksaw a few times it just makes sense to spend a lil extra....

  8. hi mate. i bought my lil brother a team magura at christmas. the freewheel died straight away, the back wheel doesnt stand up to much but overall i (and he) got on with it. reminds me of the old jumpin jack... while your just getting started its fine. but as you progress youll find that bits wont keep up with you. and to be fair.. onzas arent that much better. so id say its just a case of preference. hope that helps.

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