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Status Updates posted by deano

  1. hi mate. im interested in the fans. could you give me a text when you get this so i can find out more about it. my number is 07717527664

  2. hi mate i am really really interested in your bike, how much did you want for the hole bike, if you could leave me a comment or summin with your number on it i would much appreciate it as im not on her much, thank you

  3. Hi mate I am really interested in the echo. Could you give me a text about it- my number is 07717527664

  4. Hi mate. I'm interested in the koxx xtp. Could you give me a text as soon as you have got this, my number is - 07717527664

  5. hi man. is the KO frame still for sale. please let me know asap. and has it got any cracks??

  6. hi mate. just commenting to ask about the echo control. is it still for sale? if so would you be interested in a swap for a koxx sky (mod). comment me back asap. cheers mate.

  7. hi man, i have a gu frame that i would be interested in swapping for you pr frame, it has a few scrathces on the chainstay and very very minor ones just in front of the bash, let me know asap. cheerz

    p.s let me know by comment

  8. ow oki doki no worries mate. c you when you next riding or summing

  9. u should come to hockley woods 2morrow mate. there is some good lines there and we would like the company mate.

  10. wel 1. i coudn't get there and 2. it was snowing a bit so i thought no-one would turn up lol. let me know when u are next out riding and i will defo come along mate.

  11. braintree ride today! 12 o'clock meet at the skate park.

  12. yer man defo. ill c you there, look out for me though because i might be cumming on my own lol.gu green rims

  13. i will probs be there sunday mate.

  14. hey ive seen you at a couple of comps and i think uno my mate joe laidlaw. he rides and echo. anyway my dad live in braintree and i go up there regulary. so if ur ever up for a ride there just let me know mate cheerz.

  15. hi mate i have read ur post about wanting a new bike and i have exactly what u want. ive got a gu 07 high spec. try-all freewheel, alumonous green rims etc. please let me know if ur interested. no silly offers but if u wana just buy the frame ur more than welcome i will take 130 all day long for it mate.

  16. hi mate iv gt a samsung summing wich works but the cover is a bit broke and i have a sony ericson that is literally brand new but it is now blocked as i stopped my contract how much for them mate let me know asap

  17. kl kl mate. will let u know this sunday as im seeing me dad and ill have 2 let him know.

  18. if ur looking for a nice car i have got 2 that need 2 go m8.

  19. wel dne for passing ur driving test.

  20. hi man, i have a gu 07 if ur interested it has an immense try-all freewheel that i will be sad 2 let go. however no silly offers please

  21. if ur interested mate i have a gu 07 gd spec. and in gd condition, just got a few scratches here nd there in the usaul, places. ill be doing blue route this year in comps so i will probaly see u there. let me know if ur interested and how much ur offering. although i will consider a swap depending on wat u have got

  22. i dont spose u would take a swap for ur monty 221 ti would u. if ur looking for somthing a bit more streety

  23. and is it taper or isis

  24. and is it taper or isis

  25. kk sounds gd is it rear maggie

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