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Everything posted by jonnyyork

  1. jonnyyork

    Morgan Limey 3

    Yessss!!! I had been hoping to see a full video of Morgs riding. The up from the little rock... to rear now! He was only getting that to hook when I was there, and massive sidehop to rear at 2.40 . Really enjoyed the vid, good work!
  2. Really good video there guys. Dude stopping in his tracks at Lewis gapping across the big walls made me lol. I am so going to have to come down there very soon and ride some of that shit. Looks so fun.
  3. OOooo thought that footbridge above the rocks looked familiar! I must have ridden that spot too! The lines there are just endless. Its getting so tempting to drive down there again soon. Nice pics Lewis, hopefully will get to meet you and see you ride as I ride with Dan occasionally.
  4. Nearly everything you do in life has an ascociated risk. Do you really think that anyone who takes a risk deserves the worst consequences? IMO Everyone is allowed to make a mistake here and there, and yes I always wear a shirt and a helmet now (which I used to do 99% of the time anyway), and I also won't make the mistake of running a split link on my KMC again. I think its the people that don't learn from their wrong doings and repeditively do stupid s**t that deserve any bad consequences that come their way. I was just pointing out what can happen when a split link gives up. Have no Idea about the khe but I wouldn't use a link in a chain that has material missing from the pins to seat a skinny circlip, I don't think there is any way this could be as strong as a proper link.
  5. The risk is a little something like this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnYsIp-kWmk
  6. Bought a new chain and pretty well fluked the right tension, but the chain has stretched a little since then and had to put the tensioner back on.
  7. Hey all, here is a vid of my riding from the last couple of weeks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMjnoLFS5y4
  8. Wow, so smooth and nice creative moves as always . I didnt mind the slow motion, I often slow down trials videos anyway so as to the study the way the rider moves to try and learn from it.
  9. That looks amazing best one I've seen!
  10. Thanks! Yeah with a dremel and a file, will never never be doing it again though! It takes forever and used about 20 dremel cutting discs, but you gotta do these things once to learn I guess Onza hog rim on front, and surprisingly it still feels very solid. I want pink try-alls for it but the only try-all dealer in Australia isnt that reliable. I'm saving up for overseas shipping from Tartys... haha. Thanks for the comments guys! Zhi 120mm x 20deg. Thinking about getting something with a lower rise though. Cheers Jon
  11. Yeah I think someone in NMC posted a pic of one with big cracks in the outer ring. ENO I told my mate to buy mine pardon my dumbness, but what is with the '***' ? Very common phrase on here it seems.
  12. Chain was not to tight on his bike. He runs an echo fixed hub with the built in tensioner and it keeps working itself loose if anything. Must have just got a crap one then.
  13. I know everyone has seen fitty million A1's by now but here's another
  14. Thought I would post this as my mate and I were just blown away that this could happen to a freewheel that is only a month old and not even ridden hard! The outer casing just exploded when he went to pedal kick. I know the Tensile isn't the dearest freewheel on the market, and I could understand if it skipped or even crunched the internals but this is a bit ridiculous dont you reckon?
  15. Had that same problem with my echo isis BB as well a few months back. It seemed as though the isis spline section was too small on the non drive side. The bolt I would tighten up with a 20 inch spanner hooked over the allen key till I couldnt turn it any more and the crank still wiggled ever so slightly on the spline even though it was flush against the ridge at the end of the spline. The supplier I bought it from said to send it back and that he never had seen this problem before, but I thought I would just try put up with it as it seemed like such a small problem to mess around with warranty claims, (Not to mention the nearest trials shops are 2000kms away from where I am). Whilst having the bolt that insanely tight, it did stop the bolt coming loose, but after a few months or riding, that tiny bit of play got to the point where I could feel the crank wiggling whilst riding. More wear on the crank no doubt. I bought a new BB and problem solved using the same(echo cnc) cranks as before. The crank would get incredibly tight when 3/4 of the way onto the new spline (even with no bolt in it), and lots of friction on the bolt to pull the crank the rest of the way onto the spline. Bolt and crank now both stay tight! With the old spline the crank would effortlessly slide across to the end of the slpine as if it was smaller than the new one. So yeah I think its a manufacturing thing.
  16. I hate grinds. Really seems like a pointless move. Scratch up a wall and your bike and it looks stupid. The only grind I like is on rims. Also hate 3 weeks of rain and snapping a chain at full load off a drop gap. Owwww
  17. jonnyyork

    New Tra Hd Video

    Best videos ever! Your riding is incredible and so inspiring. Love the huge power moves and the free running is very cool!
  18. People probably prefer to buy something as original as possible whether it be modified for a better result or not, the mindset being less original = old and bastardised. I would happily buy a frame with helicoils in it but would try tightening bolts into it first to make sure everythings right. I put a helicoil in my Adamant the other day and it works great and also was surprised how neat it looks.
  19. Hi all, I have seen a few pics and videos of riders running their bikes with maxxis high roller or minion tyres backwards. I have heard from someone that they grip better for trials if they are rotating the wrong way. Anyone think the same? I can't help but wonder who on here runs either of these tyres backwards on either front, rear or both? Cheers, Jon
  20. jonnyyork


    From the album: Adam Ant

  21. jonnyyork

    Adam Ant

    Bike pics
  22. Ok then, I think I understand what the pinch gap is now. So not just preloading and giving a huge kick but actually doing the main kick or lurch after the tyre is over the edge slightly and using the power to push away from that edge? It looks as though that is what is happening at 1 min 32? Thanks to everyones speedy replys offering advise. Much appreciated
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