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Everything posted by curt-echo-control

  1. hey i was wondering if anyone can help me with what type of spokes i should use for my wheel build 26" Tryall rear rim 36H Halo Spindoctor rear hub 14G 12mm Halo alloy nipples I know i need 260mm spokes, as i used an online spoke length calculator. Are straight gauges spokes ok for trials use? 3 cross or 4 cross spoke pattern? Many thanx
  2. Community support and town wardens! they think they can order people about, when in fact they have no real power it well hacks me off
  3. Heyy was wondering if any you trials people went to the bullet for my valentine, lacuna coil, bleeding through, black tide gig in london at alexandra palace 15/11/08?? Anyone wanna share their experience of it? I also noticed loads of decent trials spots around the wood green, turnpike road area gonna have to go up ther for a ride soon, when i get my bike fixed anyways lol
  4. Only a sprained ankle from trials so far, bike flipped out on me when i was dropping off a wall, i pulled up too much i think, didnt help my back brake werent upto scratch either From freeride, numerous chunks out of my shins from pedals, grazed shoulders and elbows, bruised knees when my bars hit them doing xups..nothing major yet...touch wood..
  5. 17 started dirt jumping when i was 15, trials when i was 16
  6. A trials rider is a trials rider down here u get the odd chav who thinks hes so good on his 20" dented old onza, but most of the other guys are casuals/surfer/metalheads.
  7. Wanted, trials rear wheel.(For use on an echo control 2005 with rear hs33) 26" 135mm hub, Preferably not fixed, but if you have a fixed hub wheel for sale, let me know anyway. No particular width, but the wider the better Let me know the spec, condition, and asking price thanks
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