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Posts posted by Peperami

  1. If you have multiple trials bikes (you say you're selling one of your bikes) why do you want another one?

    Surely if you sold a bike for £300 you must know what you want, or you'd have kept the bike you had... ?

  2. Its not what you can remove and still drive the car... as in theory everything can come out apart from drivers seat, steering wheel, clocks and gearstick... its what you can remove that wont be a complete pain in the ass, and take ages to put back in. With stripping you get to a point where you're saving less and less weight each time you take another bit out.

    Go for passenger seat, rear seats all unused seat belts and rear plastic/ speakers (leave front door cards in) also spare wheel/ jack/ boot floor and parcel shelf etc etc. No point doing headlining, as you wont get it back up. Carpet should come in two bits, front and rear sections. Will have sound deadening under it too, this all weighs a fair chunk. Will need both seats out and a bit of patience to get it in and out neatly... up to you if you want to go that far.

    Leave the headrests, lol at that suggestion, they dont weigh much and do more good protecting your head.

    Im guessing you dont want to spend any money on making the car lighter, just remove bits you already have?

    Pm me if need be.

  3. Have figured my heads around 59cm... giros are sized 55-59, or 59-63.

    The smaller size is stuck on top of my head, and gives me a headache, most dont even fit on properly. The bigger size is far too big, rattles around loose and looks daft! Plus i dont have any hair to cushion a lid on, so has to fit exact if that makes sense, or it just moves around.

    Some mets came in odd sizes, like 57-61 for example, so fit ok... shame i cant find an old school anaxagore 1 again :S

  4. Xen, flux and god knows how many other helmets i tried today dont fit me... will either try find a decent met helmet (as these have inbetween sizing) or resort to a pisspot. Cheers for the replies guys.

  5. Wicked vid loved the tune.. everyones riding that spot now then lol

    Lol, you can pretty much see it from ross' house... i think nick rode it cos he saw a pic of it on my facebook, ha ha!

    Have to pop down mate.

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