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Posts posted by Peperami

  1. Was just gonna say did you get it off abtrials. he swapped it with someone else on the forum and told me he bought it new... anyways...

    Looks nice! Needs a black front wheel though :P

  2. I have a slightly more sensible question:

    What can I put in my camelbak? Is it just water, or can I use a dilute or something? Also, would volvic touch of fruit, the lemon one, work?

    Anything will go through a camelbak fine mate, problem is cleaning it out properly afterwards to avoid it going yucky. Also after a litre and a half of something or similar, you'll probably find it sickly and just want water.

  3. Hmm, i bought a xen in medium and found it way uncomfy... as soon as my head got hot felt crushed in. Am sending it back in a bit, have tried a large xen on and it fit ok, but looked huge on my head :( spotted the flux though and thought that looked pretty neat, liking the extra protection at the rear

  4. Right, time to pick a new helmet. Have narrowed it down to either a giro xen/ e2, fox flux or a peepot.

    Unfortunately i have a large head, so half the helmets look daft in large, like a spaceship has landed or summat...

    What would you pick?

  5. I think most of the replies are gonna involve indoor trials areas, lol!

    Mine involves a trials warehouse, a new koxx pro-model, my own track and a few trackcars to buzz around in.

    Oh... and who says having lots of money would make you the luckiest guy in the world? Can think of lots of things that would make me happier!

  6. It depends. If someone smacked a hammer in the side of my dads head and killed him...Two weeks later they still havn't caught the geezer who'd done it and i see him...I'd smash a hammer in the side of his head and yes...I'd admit everything in court and do the time for it, would feel 100 times better in myself.

    I bet you have some avid dreams fella... :S

  7. Been thinking of a good trials related fitness programme. Thinking press-ups, chins, bodyweight squats and cardio (hill running and box jumps should be good for explosive power)... odd weights every now and then thrown in, nothing too heavy.

    As for the protein question, if you're after a weight gainer prolabs n-large is good. Have tried most stuff out there, and that seems to digest easiest, and doesnt taste too bad either!

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