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Posts posted by dan_addison

  1. First use your syringe to pump a good amount of water through thus getting rid of old oil. Now get yourself a bucket of water, submerge your whole brake set then whilst under the water take your bleed bolt off the brake cylinder and pump your lever a good few times. Replace your bolt (still under the water) then repeat with the brake lever. Bolt out, pump your lever a good few times, bolt back in. All the time keeping your ENTIRE brake set under the water. works for me.

    Easyiest way. Might take a few trys

  2. why has this forum turned into a bunch of wet pansies?

    All I see at the moment is people reporting posts.


    IF you dont like what it says dont read it, your not an admin, and never will be.

    Stop telling people what to say, get a life, maybe some friends. God forbid even a girlfriend. Shit jim you might even get laid if you leave this forum alone for 10 mins and veture to that scary as f**k world they call "outside"

    Made me giggle :lol:

  3. Right running hayes 9's on my coiler and last night on a ride they were rubbing quite bad. A mate told me how to fix it but i couldnt remeber what he said(opps) He said something about pushing the pistons out. Sort of stoped the rubbing but now i have next to no breaking power. Anyone shed any light how i can get them back working. ASAP PLEASE!

    By the way foregot to mention its front break thats causing problems if that helps

  4. Core f**k thats a long paragraph

    But I totally


    PCSO's are stuck up and think they are hard with there pen's and pads..


    Thing is mate your the dick that knows its illegal to ride on the pavement, yet you still complain when you get fiend. I got pulled last night for no lights(wasnt gonna stop like but the twat boxxed me in to the kerb :lol: ) got a caution and was on my way. I blantley knew i was breaking the law, just agreed with the fella had a good crack with him, probaly why i only got a cautio. Where as you probaly pleded your case and argued probaly why you got the fine.

    Jog on

  5. Takeing a look at you with that shotgun, i wouldnt want to steal your bike!

    I gonna get my DH bike dated taked at the copshop not haveing that puppy robbed!

    good lok getting it back, chances are they get bored a dump it somewhere. Some scallys robbed a demo 8 a couple of years ago from evans in kendal. They couldnt work out how a sram trigger shifter worked and dumped it down the road

  6. People used to use them, but they where just wank in mud or wet.As for grinded rims i dont think anyone would dare to take a anglegrinder to an expensvie rim. Now its either discs or v's on race bikes

    People used to use them, but they where just wank in mud or wet.As for grinded rims i dont think anyone would dare to take a anglegrinder to an expensvie rim. Now its either discs or v's on race bikes

  7. I think it would be great, and it could work.

    they took it out of X-Games because of beeing so "slow". But in olympics, there are slower disciplines.

    I'd watch it on the TV.

    Yet they still have vert skateing, probaly the most boring sport to watch ever

  8. God, I can't believe someone would come on here bitching when they havn't even contacted the seller. Don't Onza have a policy whereby if you do end up coming on here (or if they realise you've bad mouthed them to anyone) saying they are shit (if for example a frame snaps/cracks,) your warranty is pretty much void?

    That is the best buisness policy i have ever heared. "sorry sir you said the frame was a bag of shit your warrenty is void" i would absolutly love someone to tell me that if i crack a frame

  9. I think if trials had abit more exposure on TV then it would become a different kettle of fish. Some more shows like Drop In with a trials rider on showing what its about. I think trials is alot bigger in mainland europe mainly because it sorta started there riders like han's rey etc etc.

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