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Posts posted by dan_addison

  1. This is england

    its about a gang of skinheads somewhere in yorkshire. The gang accept this kid into there gang and some of the group(including the kid) get involded with the national front.Its quite rasict in some parts so i wouldnt watch if your sensative to those kind of things.Its a cracking film though

  2. Yes, the Hope seat clamp turns it into a high spec trials bike.


    Er what does jeff lenosky ride is that not an std or whatever you call it but he has been cross bred with a bmxer big time these days?

    He rides the team version near enough the same frame just high spec. cannot be bought

    Frankly it would be gash for trials.

  3. 1. trials bikes ( look gay with lights)

    2. bells are not made for trials bikes

    and police now say..

    1. warning

    2. stright fine... no bell or light £80 fine on the spot

    wasnt a trials bike and im led to belive its 3 warnings

    Right well ill being having a word with PCSO Andy Mcfarlene then

  4. How'd you mean?

    Well the local community support officer stoped me a couple of times whislt riding my bike. Not having lights,not looking where i was going etc etc.Anyways got a letter through the post saying that one more offence then id be disqulified from driving.But i aint ven 17 yet??

  5. what about the CHAVS they don't get done for anything

    BUT Us lot get told to move on and on.... and get told off from riding up walls.... hmm..

    They say there are skate parks, but they are for bladers, bmx riders, skateboarding ect... there is no TRIALS stuff :lol:

    Why don't they just let use do what we like to do instead of being gay and having a go at us :-

    aah well, I just climb over fence's and that and ride pallets until I get kicked off but most places let us ride there only if we put the pallets back, If we do not put them back they wont let us ride there for like a week or so :(



    Are you a complete nob?

    I know from a few run in's with the law that not all police are just out to spoil fun. Useually there interested with what we've got to say and what we do. But i say from experiance some ARE just out to spoil fun, the ones that dish out the sly digs in the cells (only happen once but still) so just be polite and do what they tell you. At the end of the day its you thats gonna get the raping not them

    Also gyser i was wondering if i could be banned from driving for offences when i was riding my bike? is it actully possible??

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