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Julius Czar

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Posts posted by Julius Czar

  1. So here's the story...

    I was at a party on a Friday night and I get a call from a mate asking if he can borrow my bike, I say yes, on the one condition that he pays for damage if any. Next day at about 4, I get another call from my mate, telling me that I'm gonna need a new back wheel because his dad ran my back wheel over, he agreed to pay for everything, and did, bought me a new rim, tyre, tube, tape and spokes and nipples, which I got with no hassle, with the bike at his I had no way of looking at my bike to see any damage myself, so I went to his house and got it, chucked it in the car and went home, and upon closer inspection I noticed a crack going across the ridge of my hub, so I ring him up straight away and tell him the problem, he says he's already put in the order when i asked him for the money to do it myself, as I knew what I wanted, and he hasn't got much knowledge when it comes to the technical stuff. And now he's saying that he hasn't got the money for the hubshell when he's bought himself a new pivotal seat, post and clamp set up worth about £50.. And on top of that I went to his house when he wasn't there and asked his dad about what happened, and he had no idea what I was going on about. I'm normally a reasonable person, but he ha has a track record of owing people money and I dont want to wait for ages for him to pay up, what do I do? I don't wanna break the law doing anything for the money, because that Would get Me in more shot than it's worth, but I want the money so I can get out and ride again...

    Any suggestions?

    Cheers :)

  2. Hey guys, I was looking through Facebook yesterday and I saw a guy called 'bike rider' on there, and he has pictures of these frames and bike parts made by free? Has anyone else heard of these? The frame looks like a koxx foxx, and there's other pictures of hubs, stems and cranks too.

    Here's the link to his profile: http://m.facebook.com/home.php?refsrc=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F%3Fref%3Dnf_fr&refid=0&m_sess=ItHLR-5mGi8VQ5&ref=nf_fr&_rdr#!/profile.php?id=100002569674074


  3. Yeah, bombproof. A mate of mine drilled one himself, and it was still super strong! Only Problem is that they're quite narrow, if you can, try and get hold of a trialtech undrilled rim or one of those try-all street ones, they'll hold up, and they're wider if you have a wide frame :)

  4. Sorry to burst the bubble of deep quotes guys, but a thing I always do when I'm bored is tap the bass drum sequence from the breakdown of a song which is quite complicated, always like trying to get my feet to do it all in time :)

    Edit: quote from a friend, stupid as hell: "always eat pies with a fork"

  5. The small print is merely there to cover their backs, so when you "get the bill" as you said and you complain they can say, "well we mentioned it in the dark and deep corners of your telly pixels, although you may not see it long enough or clearly enough to even make sense of what it even is, it's there, so when it comes up as an issue between the poor customer and the evil money lender/scammer, the customer, who has just signed their life away, doesn't have a leg to stand on. It's absolutely disgusting and shouldn't happen, but the law states that you can't lie about what your selling, but that only means you can't lie, so these companies can bend the truth as far as possible even to the point where your not actually sure what the truth is about the product/service. I just think you need to be wise to it, and steer clear from any short term loan service, because I've heard nothing but bad things about them, and don't just make decisions on impulse when you see an advert for any service offering money or anything alike, because it should be something that you take lots of time over and you should be completely clued up when it comes to a decision as big as that.

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