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Everything posted by G-baby158

  1. how do you know he is taking the piss ? Doesn't sound like it.
  2. No, i just dont get it, it doesn't say anything about price in the discription.
  3. Go back to the shop and ask for a refund and dont leave untill you get one.
  4. No no no you hav'nt. Some one's been mugged of lol.
  5. Sorry if i'm wrong but why would you change from an 08 lite to a Zm1 ?
  6. What you mean that'll teach me ? i have always left my bikes there, it was only there for 45mins and you have to go past my front door to get to the bike, if you hav'nt anythink nice/ usefull to say dont post comments !
  7. Btw if any of you didn't know he got the zona back, he still got it.
  8. Looks like a new lever mate.
  9. Is the nut done up fully ?
  10. Oh sorry i thought you ment he looks like he's been riding 2 years.
  11. No i think he will get better for sure, right im confused, did you mean he looked like he had been riding for 2 years or he has been riding for 2 years?
  12. Well then you have got a leak or you are bleeding it wrong, like i said check for water around the ends when you pull the lever in, if there isn't any bath bleed it and see how that turns out.
  13. Yeah as everyone else has said there like the same pad but different colour, i think the reds are that little bit bittier thought, not by huge difference though.
  14. Nice but you would want to put some better picture's up of it mate, show its full glory (dont know how to spell that )
  15. If you've already put 2 through it then your bleeding it wrong, are you putting the bleed bolt back into the lever first before taking of the syringe ?
  16. I think your pushing it mate, he's very good for 2 weeks but 2 years is just pushing it to far.
  17. Yeah i would like to know that aswell.
  18. If that fails try bleeding it in the bath.
  19. I think the frame looks horried.
  20. That made me laugh loads so funny ! best vid i've seen in a while
  21. Any bubbles ? dont you mean any bubbles, if there isn't any in the system theres a leak them, check the area's where the slaves join the hose's and at the lever.
  22. When your bleeding it you wont see any more bubbles.
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