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trialsking 55

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Posts posted by trialsking 55

  1. Another case of the "If it's not on the internet it doesnt exist" syndrome...

    Their website is a pile of shite, i'm sure they will sell it, however if they dont your local

    car parts type shop will.

    yep, the local halfords round here has flourescent spray paint, there's yellows, greens, pinks and blues.

    at certain B'n'Q's they have a machine that can mix paints to the exact colour you want. alothough i think its only the paint you can paint onto walls etc. not spray paint. check out car specialists though, because if you look into magazines like max power you will see cars with some crazy paint jobs. but the more specialist you go, expect to pay much more.

    but if you want flourescent pink, next time you go by your local halfords or B'n'Q just drop in and have a look.

  2. got my first trials bike just before my 11th birthday, but all i could do for a good 6 months was bunny hop and endo, stuff like that. even though it wasn't as if i was about become UCI champion or anything like that, it got me really interested in the sport. as i grew i was more able to perform the moves i was seeing in the videos i was watching. i'l have been ridin for 4 years this crimbo, but over that time i've had huge breaks and amounts of time off.

    Haro F2:

    IPB Image

    IPB Image

    The top tube was hand painted, and the downtube was airbrushed using templates.

    thats a really nice paint job mate (Y) next time i spray a frame i might use stencils, something individual and unique :turned:

  3. DO NOT put the laquer or before the paint!!!

    the laquer goes on last, when all coats of paint have been applied, this keeps a shiny protective finish to the overall paint job.

    make sure the frame is stripped of the original paint and has no oil or dust or anything on the frame.

    primer goes on first, white or grey primer for ligter colours, black for darker colours. this helps the paint to stick.

    i'd say a good 2 layers of primer and about 3 or 4 of the actual paint and 1 coat of laquer.

    make sure each layer is dryed before you add another.

    after you have completed all satges leave the frame to completely dry out for a day or so, so as the paint can harden and become less prone to scratches when rebuilding the bike.

  4. was going as fast as i could down a hill on my bmx, with around 100psi in the front tyre, and ran over a conker in its shell. it was really cold and frosty so the shell was extrememly stiff, it popped the tube and blew a massive slit around the tyre >_<

    god knows how i kept the bike under control :S

  5. what the hell is vandal grease? the images it conjours up in my mind are clearly wrong

    its this black shit they put on top of walls and fences etc. to keep vandals and tresspassers off, it won't come of clothes and it gets everywhere. just a deterrent.

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