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trialsking 55

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Posts posted by trialsking 55

  1. the whole country is nackerd, its to dear, the govermeant is corrupt,and in ten years ill probly still be living with my mama and papa as house prices will be so high (N).

    3 bed semi now - around £160,000

    3 bed semi 2015 - around £320,00


  2. on a serious note, I think when my generation can vote the BNP will be in power in my town. Everyone I know is racist, and with good reason I would explain but I can't be arsed. This, however according to a recent voting leaflet thingy will also stop anti social behaviour and stop more speed cameras being put up, in fact it looking good for the BNP at the minute. Thus meaning in the future my town should, in theory, be a nice place to be.

    yeh, a very nice place :ermm: especially with the shortage of doctors, teachers, policemen and women, firemen, and not to mention the impact it will have on english sport. a very nice place :turned:

  3. lmfao!! your mate just like moved out of the way :lol:

    thats unlucky though >_< you made one massive ping when you hit the rail :blink:

    the way you just fell though classic ^_^ glad your ok though :P

    i'm addicted to emoticons

  4. I'm fairly sure quite a few teachers are striking in this country too over wages or something? At least that's what my economics teacher was telling us t'other day.

    Anyway we all know Frenchies are poofs so our boys should be alright if there's any trouble :- 'specially with Wayne there haha

    yeh we had tuesday off because the cleaners were'nt getting paid enough lol ^_^

  5. i'm 5'8 and i thought was going to flip over the handlebars whenever i pulled up. the cockpit just doesn't have enough room, and as said earlier it has long stays so it just feels hard to ride in comparison with more "UCI", or "modern" as JT said, geometry.

  6. haha :lol:

    i can remember the adidas poppers lol!! whenever i had football training someone would have them on, and when they slide tackled someone, you'd just hear "pop pop pop" and they'd have to butten them back up ^_^

    street sharks :D i can remember watchin them all the time, and having all the figures!!

    pokemon cards, still got them all in a folder in the loft lmao B)

    and what about wwf, and raw!!! with that wrestler with the sock, oh my god i forgot his name :o>_<

  7. haha yeh this is good but I much prefur the Lee Evans XL tour dvd.

    Such a legend, very clever and funny :)

    "your goin to barbados....no your not you b*****d!!! i'll rip your f**king head off!!!!" :lol:

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