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Everything posted by Ben-jamin'

  1. After a little over a year of riding this is where we're at: Are we on the right track? Please comment thanks, Ben
  2. I've been riding for a year or so now and have all the basics down, I'm just having trouble with hooks and static hops. I can't understand the body language needed for the two moves. Does anyone have any helpful tips of any kind? thanks, Ben
  3. Very nice, love the paint job. I'm riding the 26 inch version at the moment.
  4. I saw one of Ryan Leech's demos at the Toronto International Bike Show and from then on I knew I wanted to ride trials hahaha.
  5. Has anyone watched the video "Koxx Trials Lessons?" I've always found it's easier to improve by watching moves done the correct way and then going out and practicing. Does anyone know of any online copies of the video or any online stores I can purchase it from? I know Tarty Bikes sells it, but because I live in Canada the cost is insane. thanks, Ben
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