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Everything posted by jack101311

  1. Onza rips are so so light my mates got one and they are substancialy light . one down side vee-brakes.
  2. Those echo lite forks are the future they are tough and good looking . what else do you possibly need.
  3. Smooth grinds can ruin wheels they weaken the rim which makes it easier to rim and break.
  4. If any bolt on your bike comes loose no worry lock tight will solve it. it is a liquid that dries solid like the blue paint stuff you get on some bolts.
  5. The paint is shoddy on onza. it would probably come of if you sanded it but if you want to do it like a man nitromors now seriously that stuff is imense.
  6. That bike is amazing. raar. £400 is a reasonable price for you not for them hahahahaha!.
  7. www.airevalleycycles.co.uk. sweet websites take a glance.
  8. I did a post on bionic frames and i was told they are sweet frames. strong worth while.
  9. 20" it all the way they are so much easier to ride. Throw your weight around. but if you want a comfy ride 26" it all the way instead.
  10. What were you thinking when you bought that for trials. but if you say you are going to use it for jump and dirt too they you got a wizkid bike. maybe a bigger stem thou to trials it out. lol (trials it out)
  11. Pull the crank down and put a small tin under the pedal. You cant tell it's there in the right background.
  12. since your used to riding big ish bikes already i would say that a 26" will suit your riding style. but if you preffer to be able to throw your weight around more a 20" is for you.
  13. email the pics if you got em to mc_j_93@hotmail.co.uk

  14. Are your silver echo forks still for sale. if so a picture would be nice.

  15. Thanks guys. I think it's worth looking at czar bionic and adamant then . Ill look into that.
  16. Stunner. I would so love one of these. T-PRO IN IT OUT LOUD
  17. My t-pro frame is a bit worn and weary but don't know which frame to get. I like the look of the 08 bionic b3 but is it worth it and would it last me, or the GU Typhoon . Gorgeous frame . Or Onza Ice . Phwoah that is one good looking frame. but again are they strong. Need to know these things people. If you can find any of these frames in the selling section please please please let me know. Much apreiciated. T-PRO IN IT OUT LOUD
  18. They are a good bike and the frame is unbeleivably light i had mine of the other day and it was that light i thaught how do i trust something like that but i have heard they are one of the most unreliable bikes maybe the most. ??????????????Why have you got a t-mag as your profile pic when you say you ride a t-pro?????????????????? Jack p.s pointless topics get you nowhere what so ever. 20"inshers:) one way or no way!!!
  19. Nicely thaught of lol. I'm sure he'll find thrill like that. jack 20" TRIALS
  20. sorry for not specifying the colour of my frame (green) ooOOPPSS!!! Anyway i decided that a gloss black looked good becouse thats how they were when i baught the bike which is 3rd hand or something, but the paint was shodey so i sanded them down and thaught well seen as in their of i might aswell get some ideas on what colour to spray them, but then i decided gloss black which i recomend to anyone in my situation or a similar one. thanks guys. Jack 20" TRIALS IS THE WAY TO GO
  21. Hi there i was wondering wether to spray my onza t-pro forks white, it is a 05/06 onza t-pro obviously but i just dont know wether it will look any good and i do'nt want to do it and for my bike to look absoloutly ridiculous. Any suggestions ????? Or what colour will look good on a t-pro not the new shiney one yeh!!!!!!!! thanks Jack 20" TRIALS IS THE FUTURE
  22. I'm certain that its 20" as i have read about this in another part of the forum. Any way i know for a fact that you can run a 26" inertube on a 20" wheel or 19" for the matter of fact. Anyhow i hope this helped. Jack Rawse 20" TRIALS IS THE WAY TO GO
  23. Go for a 20" frame i have a t-pro 05/06 and its the best bike i have ever had. you can get a t-pro frame 05 onwards the new shape at prices going from 80-130 quid ish. Jack Rawse 20" TRIALS IS THE WAY TO GO.
  24. iyt cia wheres your pics i took of you today i thaught you were putting em on the forum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. Cheers for the info mate ill try tricks on peoples videos that look easy enough for me to try. Thanks Jack Rawse
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