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Posts posted by D-L-B

  1. making the gap feel less effertless... :D  :(  :-  :huh:



    Exactly what you don't want.

    Doing it this way you are also able to put more emphasis on using your whole body to push back on the object and throw yourself across the gap, rather than relying purely on your pedal kick.


  2. Yea but thats not how it is, and you know it. 

    But that's exactly how it is, hence it cut you so deep.

    As for accusing me of being immature over the matter, could you please refer to a particular instance? If I remember correctly it was you who initiated the playground-esque "say it to my f*cking face" malarky. And your fans who've posted on this thread seem to have only made themselves look immature by posting rubbish like "you're a tw@" etc...


  3. if you want to talk further, PM me.


    If you've got somthing to say to me, dont rely on a f**king computer screen as self defence, say it to my face muther f**ker! You ever made a video?


    Thanks for that :blink: Shall I bring my dueling pistols or my sword?


  4. Nice site. Easy to use, not full of crap. You need to ditch that seriously gay picture of you looking like you love yourself on the 'About Me' page though. Makes you look like a twat.

  5. Maybe its an incentive to have less static shots in the videos you release? 

    What?!! Mr Aasen makes videos of his riding so you can see his riding. I don't want to see five minutes of sky or floor or grass or whatever in some vain attempt to be 'arty' or whatever. Are you somehow criticising Tomas' videos? From what I gather, Tom rides alone most of the time and therefore has nobody there to hold the camera and film pointless crap. Why don't you join www.gay-arse-video-editing-forum.co.uk if it's that much of a concern to you. I've seen your videos, Jonny ("looks promising"), and was confused as to whether I should laugh, at how shit it was and what a gimp you were, or be angry at the fact that I'd wasted my time with it. The impression I get is that, in order to make up for your lack of riding ability, you attempt to paint yourself as some kind of "trial media" mogul to gain some kind or virtual kudos.

    Incidentally I was thoroughly bored of the video within two minutes and had to end it.


  6. Yet another example of the people who set the laws assuming they know what's best for everyone (without actually consulting the people affected by the law, but rather, just being concerned with what's best for themselves). For example, why the hell is prostitution illegal?.. Somebody please tell me why? I don't need to, or want to, visit prostitutes but why should what two consenting adults do with themselves, in an introspective and personal way, be any concern of the law. Other than the fact that some of our rather archaic laws were instigated by religious beleifs which are plainly of no concern to modern free-thinking individuals. It's bull shit. We need less laws. We need people to be able to reason with each other. Opression.


  7. Maybe it was Sameer's sense of being part of a well voiced ethnic group, overproportionately represented and vocal in the British media that led him to make assumptions about the stereotyping of other ethnic groups in other societies and possibly feel some kind of guilt.


  8. I'm a Member Services Associate for a Human Resources outsourcing company (Y) How cool does that sound  :)"

    Sounds shit actually.

    Dave 85 sounds like he's having fun though, I'd like to do the things he does.

    I'm a biomedical scientist. It's actually really boring and crap but it's paying my rent until I find something better to do.


  9. And make trails turn out as mainstream as skateboarding has since that willy tonyhawk ruined the image? No thanks.

    Ruined the image? When? You mean in 1989 when he apppeared in the movie 'Gleaming the Cube'? (back when you were still shitting yellow, my son).

    Oh, you hadn't heard of that one? Because Tony Hawk's been knocking about since before you were born, sunshine.

    I was never aware that taking part in a sport was all for the image. Damn, I gotta get me one o' them there skootboards so I can start lookin as cool as you!

    Or are you just jealous that he's a success, in every sense be it financially or competitively, in what he's chosen to do and you're afraid you'll never match up to that?


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