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Everything posted by NEONRIDER

  1. Hi guys, I was just wondering if the metal TPAs work better then the plastic TPAs if so why? thanks jjbarrett:)
  2. I dont no weather this could help but do u recond they might of changed the parts on it becuase iv seen an zona zip silver but with different bars,stem and forks but everything u said was on that bike apart from those three items.
  3. hi, ive heard that the phat pads work better in cnc backins. why is this? thanks jjbarrett:)
  4. LOL,thanks everybody but iv got my neon now so thanks anyway dudes. jjbarrett:) close!
  5. F****ing nice vid dude. jjbarrett:)
  6. but there is nothing else to upgrade apart from the frame.
  7. but there is a big ass and i mean big ass dent in my frame and i dont want that snapping on me and also i seriously want to start a new year with a decent bike.
  8. Yes but i dont want him to buy it i want him to be alright with me getting a new one because hel start having a go at me for it.
  9. But thats the thing i will be gettig the money by selling my bmx for £170 and i mioght be getting the money this month but i just dont no how to confront my dad because he'll go on a sick one.
  10. Yes I know that is true but after what aarron did to his bike(f****ed it). Hes gone off on one saying you should be content with what you have got and all that s**t. LOL But thats the thing i will be getting the money by selling my bmx. and how many times have you used that excuse.
  11. I know this is gonna sound very stupid but I want a new frame but i got a t-mag about 6 months and im not happy with it. My mates selling a neon and im very interested in it but i need to tell my dad. Any ideas? jjbarrett:)
  12. Im thinking of getting one. jjbarrett:)
  13. F***ing amazing. jjbarrett:)
  14. Thanks guys for all of your replies I will just have to look for something else. jjbarrett:) Ok thanks mate ill give that A go.
  15. Yes dude count me in. jjbarrett:)
  16. Cnc coust pads or heatsink snowys. jjbarrett:)
  17. Yes but Im short anyway so it dont matter.
  18. I was just wanted to know how good a ciguena Is because Im thinking of getting one. Jjbarrett:)
  19. Can anyone give me advise on what is better a ko bike or a gu im thinking of buying a new frame this christams and I dont know what to buy. please help jjbarrett:)
  20. Yes even I must admit I have an onza and I woud rarther have a ko bike wich is what im trying to get but im also considering gu I cant make my mind up. jjbarrett:)
  21. yes same did you design it or is it real if it is real were do u get it from cause it accually looks interesting. jjbarrett*
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