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Posts posted by NirZionTrials

  1. hey guys, thanks again for helping out.

    the war is over, i had enough of it, now its time to ride... :)

    so i am thinking of London, Bristol, Reading and Oxford.

    i guess most flights land at london so its a good place to start.

    i guess london is BIG, anyone call tell me of group rides that happen in london on a weekly bases?

    likes days and hours?

    are there cheep places to stay at, like hostels?



  2. Do you want to ride street or natural?

    Will you be Sofa Surfing?

    street mostly, since we dont ride much natural here.

    what is Sofa Surfing?

    out of all the places you recommanded i would like to minimze to 4 that are popular for trial riding, where we can ride in groupls that meet often.

    do people ride in groups everyday or do you have to plan a group ride?

    so the idea is 4 places (2 weeks) for street riding that alot have alot of group rides.

    Thanks :)(Y)

  3. Hey guys,

    my friend and I are starting our plans for a trial trip to the UK.

    we are both after our army service, i am 26 and he is 22.

    we are 2 trial riders out of 6 or 7 in israel, Trial is not that popular here and

    we are not pro, but se sure know how to ride the basics and up.


    we want to plane a two week trip, find good places to ride street trials, group up with local riders that we can learn from and improve are skills.

    so where do you guys recommand us to be?

    we dont know the UK at all, so any advice can help.

    Thanks guys :)(Y)

  4. thanks guys, for all your answers.

    i think it is a mesurment that needs to be calculated.

    since you can put on bars with Spacers or without, and you can put a stem with a rise or without.

    BB posistion and top tube length have to be a factor in decideing how high and far your bars are.

    Far bars = high moment(torque)

    High Bars = Less to pull to the get to point of balance and the wheel is lower to the ground when in that point.

    i dont know if i am making any sence, and like other things i need to try it to decide, just thought since almost everything else is claculated this might be to. :rolleyes:

  5. Hey guys,

    i just got my Echo Control frame here in israel.

    i am starting to build it next week and wanted to know how high the handel bars should be off the ground?

    i got a zoo riser and i still did not decide on a stem, from what i see in the pictures the bar is pertty low compared to what i have on my zebdi mk5.

    btw i am 179cm tall if that helps.


  6. well i guess singel speed is the way, i been having so many problems, the chain just fell off a couple of days ago and i was over the handel bars and on the ground in 0.5 secends.. :blink: and yes it hurts :)

    i got a chris king singel speed kit, and i run a 16t on the front, that means i need a 14t on the back right? :mellow:

  7. i have VANS "off the wall"

    its skatbording shoes, they have strong grip, and the movment on the pedel and around the axel is eazy.

    i would recommand them.

  8. if you ride street you may want to consider a frame with a lower bb?

    dose it matter?

    from i read, i seems that the high BB gives better control on the back whell.

    i will ask it in another way, is there a reason for a low BB for street trial?

    thanks prawn, i didnt think of that.

  9. Hey guys,

    i dont really konw the diffrences between short and long.

    the size is 1055 for the short frame and 1090 for the long.

    my hight is 179cm and i ride mostly street.

    what frame size should i get?

    and what are the pro's and con's of short and long?

    thanks :D


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